Chapter 5

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 Carmilla held her breath and did her best to act as though she were asleep, even as she felt all of the blood in her body rush to her face. None of this trip had ended up going as she had thought it would thus far. She suppressed a particularly angsty growl as she listened to Laura breathe and a rather inebriated sounding Danny style into their little dorm room and collapse onto the couch, hopefully going to sleep.


     Squirming a little, Laura realized that her arm was on something soft, very soft, she squinted one eye open only to realize that the soft things were breasts. Specifically Carmilla's breasts. She suppressed her own groan of embarrassment and attempted to move off of her a little. Somehow this elicited what almost like a moan or a groan from her sparring partner. Upon more explorations she found that her knee was in between Carmilla's legs and had probably massaged her more sensitive sections when she had moved around. Laura wasn't sure whether she be blushing or proud. Her face was already really red as she listened to the little sounds Carmilla made as they both tried to get comfortable and much less turned on by the situation. Laura forfeited eventually, settling her head against Carm's should've and going to sleep with her nose filled by Carmilla's unique scent of roses and sandalwood.



Getting drunk at a Zeta party was definitely not a part of Danny's game plan for the trip. She had been doing everything right. She was making all of the conversation centered around Laura while slowly allowing more and more of her own self through. Them Laura had passed out somehow in the bathroom when they were all naked and Carmilla Karnstein of all people got to play the hero. That would have been the perfect 'in' with her crush.


       So, she had left in the middle of ghost stories to go be alone and think. Wandering under the stars had led her to the Zeta bonfire where she had been dragged into beer pong and shots with some of the 'more okay' dude-bros. No Kirsch sightings had been made until she was too far gone for it to hurt and immediately after she had made a far less than graceful exit.


    She had hazily made it into the girl's rooms, and shrieked when she thought she a mouse through the haze covering her mind (it was probably just a shadow). When she went into her room, it was only to remember that she and Laura had switched rooms and she was supposed to be with LaF. The sight she had been met with had both disturbed her and broken her heart a little. Laura asleep without pants on, on top of an actually peaceful looking Carmilla. Danny's mind immediately jumped to the obvious conclusion and she went to sleep on the couch, unable to stay in the same room, and cried softly.




   Laura and Carmilla woke up in the same position they had gone to sleep and Carmilla was incredibly grateful that Laura was so small. Her heart burned in her chest and she thanked God for the twisted circumstances that had gotten them into this position. However, any doubt in her mind that she didn't have feelings for the competition were erased as she enjoyed the feeling of Laura curled around and over her.

    The smell of her hair filled her nose each time she inhaled and Laura's breath skimmed over her throat each time the small girl exhaled. Everywhere they touched Laura's skin was softer than anything else that she had ever felt. Every moment they were near each other Carmilla fell harder. Her entire body ached from it.


    Laura had been awake for a while, her arms still stretched across Carmilla, comfortably pillowed on the other girl's breasts. At some point during the night she had unconsciously twined her body tighter around Carmilla's, her feet locked around one of her legs and their hips pressed against one another's. This crush continued to prove harder and harder to get over. She continued to feign sleep when Carmilla awoke and was surprised to find that the older girl stayed where she was and peacefully played with Laura's hair. The tiny girl nuzzled closer and dozed until she fell asleep again.

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