Chapter 1

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It was a very cold night, the base was absolutely freezing.
Nothing could really keep the people warm, they only had so few heaters. Many gained frostbite but never really froze.

Steve was one of them. He wasn't very fond of the cold, but he tried to stay warm in his bunk. His bunk mates were asleep, perfectly fine and not being bothered by the cold.

Steve lay awake, freezing. His blanket bundled in a blanket burrito. He couldn't sleep in this cold, it was absolutely frigid.
He sat up in his bed, hoping not to wake the others with his creaking. As the beds were rickety.

"God damn, it's absolutely frigid in this damn base!" Steve spoke to himself, rubbing his arms to try and warm himself up.

"Maybe I should speak to the Cap..?" He muttered with a groan, "Maybe that would be best.." he sighed and got out of bed, slipping on a sweatshirt.

He tiptoed his way to the Captain's room, trying to be as quiet with as heavy as he is. He put his hand on the super cold door handles before opening said door with a creak.

"Damn that's loud.." he whispered. He peeked into the room, seeing Captain. Better known as Tankman, he turned and rolled over to face the opposite direction of Steve.

"'s warm as hell in this room.." he said with surprise in his voice. He inched his way into the room, hoping not to wake Tankman. He gave a sinister smile before shutting the door. He sat on the ground of the Captain's room. He may get disciplined because of this but he didn't really care.

It was freezing in their rooms. He leaned against the wall, with a sigh escaping his mouth. Oh how badly he wanted a cigarette but he decided to not do it, it may wake the Captain.

His eyes slowly shut, his head tilting down as he soon fell asleep.

~To Be Continued...~

The Bloodiest Romance ~ A Steve x Tankman Book/Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now