Chapter 21

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~Previously On Chapter 20...~

"O-Of course Captain!" Steve sputtered, his freckled cheeks still the brightest red they can be. Tankman would stare into Steve's eyes before leaning down to the Right Hand Man, a hand going up to his cheek. Steve would jump as he felt the hand caress his cheek slightly before he felt his Captain's lip press against his own, this caused Steve to widen his eyes in shock.

His Captain was kissing him, so gently and so, filled with love. It made him shiver with a tingle up his spine, before he had decided to kiss back. Pushing his body a bit closer to the Captain, causing him to grunt and fix himself. His hands trailing down to his Right Hand Man's waist, Steve would end up pulling back.

Tankman would stare into the voids of Steve's eyes, his mouth agape from the kiss. Steve could be said the same, staring longingly at his Captain. He would shift to got comfortable then look away from his Captain, "Can, we get out of here? I need to find my helmet and my britches Captain." Steve uttered in the least confident way possible.

Tankman would look around, he would find his pants from when they have been torn off. He would lean over and pick them up, trying not to hurt Steve as he did. He would hand the pair of trousers to the smaller male, him having to fix himself so he put them on properly.

Tankman would catch a glimpse of the shameful tenting once the pants were slipped back and over his waist, giving a small smile. He would take his helmet and put it on the smaller males head, noticing it fit almost perfectly asides the size difference.

"You know, you look nice in my helmet Steve." Tankman admitted, smiling brighter than ever. Steve would look up at his Captain, sheering through the goggles and giving soft laughter. "Your helmet is a tad bit too big for me Captain!" Steve laughed out, showing his biggest smile.

~Too Be Continued...~

The Bloodiest Romance ~ A Steve x Tankman Book/Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now