Chapter 20

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~Previously On Chapter 19...~

Author's Note- wow, this is a huge milestone I hit on this book now. I'm actually quite surprised a lot of people are interested and READING this book. When I make books like this, I never expected this. I quite thank you for reading this book and surpassing it past 500 reads so far. I will continue to add to this book and I will continue onwards with the chapters for as long as I can muster. I love you all! ~ Red-Tea-Freak

"Captain.. You actually came for me.." Steve mustered out finally after having some breathing troubles. Captain looked down at him and smiled brightly, "Of course I did Steve! You're my Right Hand Man after all.. I can't afford to lose you Steve, you keep me driven. You drive me to wake up in the morning, why do you think I get up early?" Tankman blurted. His cheeks flushing with redness as he stared down at Steve, who smiled just gently enough to show his little tooth gap.

Steve would bury his face into his Captain's chest, his own cheeks reddening with blush. Captain would jolt as he felt Steve push his face into his chest, bringing a hand to his head. He would finally realize Steve had his helmet removed, but didn't mention a word about it. "Steve.." Tankman would start, Steve pushed his face from the bullet proof vest on the Captain's chest and looked up at him.

His freckled cheeks bright red, he would bite his lip softly. "You... Do know I love you... Right?" Tankman whispered, looking longingly at Steve. He would remove his hands from the smaller males head as he then removed his helmet, his long hair draping over his shoulders. Setting his helmet down beside him, he would look at the Right Hand Man sitting betwixt his legs.

"O-Of course Captain!" Steve sputtered, his freckled cheeks still the brightest red they can be. Tankman would stare into Steve's eyes before leaning down to the Right Hand Man, a hand going up to his cheek. Steve would jump as he felt the hand caress his cheek slightly before he felt his Captain's lip press against his own, this caused Steve to widen his eyes in shock.

~Too Be Continued...~

The Bloodiest Romance ~ A Steve x Tankman Book/Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now