Chapter 2

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Pavel's pov:

I tapped mu pen lightly on the desk as i read through the documents infront of me on the desk.

He's only 18...

His family is a middle class one.

He has 2 siblings. An older brother who's 3 years older than him and a younger sister who's 5 years younger than him.

His father passed away when he was 12 and he and his siblings have been raised by his mother since.

He joined this company because he wanted to get experience in the feild after completing his degree in fashion design in the beginning of the year.

His academic performance was also great and he has great reviews from his professors.

He doesn't have any friends that he's particularly close to.

Just a few he talks to occasionally.

He normally just hangs out by himself.

I looked up from the document and at him.

He was sitting on the desk which i had arranged to be set up to my right facing the ceiling to floor windows on my left.

He was sorting through some documents and was completely immersed in his work.

Now you must be wondering.

Why did i suddenly hire him as my PA when i have never had one in my history of working?

Well that's because seeing him made me feel something.

I haven't been able to feel any kind of emotion ever since i can remember.

My parents always worry about me because of that.

But no doctor or any expert can find out why I'm like this.

And i can't seem to change it either.

Atleast, that was until he came into my office.

The moment i laid my eyes on him, i felt my heartbeat increase and an unfamiliar need to possess almost overwhelmed me.

I kept a straight face infront of him but i was barely holding back from pouncing onto him right then and there.

His features looked so refined and his voice is music to my ears.

I have never felt this way with anyone before.

I don't know what exactly it is.

But what i do know is that i won't let him get away.

He's the first person who has managed to ignite a spark of emotion in me. Even if he hismelf doesn't know it.

And there's no way I'm letting him out of my sight.


I didn't realise i was staring for too long until he looked up at me and flinched back slightly when he met my gaze.

But i didn't avert my gaze though.

I could clearly see him getting nervous and i didn't miss the slight pink dust colouring his cheeks.

I tilted my head when warmth brewed in my chest and my heartbeat increased as i watched him get shy and nervous because of my gaze.


There was a small grin on my face which he couldn't see because of my mask.

He reacts in such a cute way just by me looking at him.

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