Chapter 13

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Pavel's pov:

I stared at him silently as he worked on his laptop.

We were in my office now and back to work.

Tiger already took care of that girl.

There's no sign of anything having happened in here anymore.

Mew did try to keep in bed since i had gotten stabbed just 3 hours ago.

But I'm more stubborn than him so i won that argument.

It's not like I'm doing any strenuous activities that will aggravate the wound. So there's no reason why i should have to stay in bed.

But that outburst earlier...

I can't say i was expecting it...

While we do have a relationship, i never thought to give it a name such as boyfriends.

When i hear boyfriends, i think of those mushy couples who are so sweet with each other that it almost makes me sick.

We're obviously not like that.

I looked down at my hands.

But he said it with such ease and certainty.

And i didn't really hate it when he said it either.

But boyfriends are supposed to go out on dates and be romantic and such right?

I frowned slightly.

Yeah, no.

That's beyond my skillset.

And even if i did try, it would feel way too uncomfortable.

I hate being romantic or mushy.

But then...

Why would he think of himself as my boyfriend?

I've never done anything that normal boyfriends do.

As much as i don't dislike the idea, i still can't help but be confused as to why he chose that label for this relationship.


"Sir?" I looked up from the file i was staring at for the last 10 minutes when i heard his voice.

He was standing near me behind my desk, looking at me with a confused and worried expression.

"You've been staring at that closed file for the last 10 minutes. Is something wrong?" He asked.

I pushed back my chair and turned to face him before reaching out towards him and grabbing his arm.

He yelped out of surprise as i yanked him towards me, making him fall onto my lap.

"S-sir your wound." He muttered worriedly as he teied to get up.

But i held him firmly around his waist, not allowing him to move.

"Why boyfriend?" I asked straightforwardly.

He froze and looked at me with a surprised expression.


"Why did you choose boyfriend out of all the labels?" I asked again.

"Because it's the one that i think fits the best?" He tilted his head.

I blinked.

Fits the best?

"We're nothing like normal boyfriends."

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