Chapter 4

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Mew's pov:

I slowly opened my eyes as bright sunlight filled the room.

I groaned softly and covered my eyes with my arm as i slowly tried to get used to the brightness.

"Time to wake up. We have work to do." A familiar voice jolted me awake completely.

I immediately shot up and looked beside me wide-eyed.

And the scene infront of me almost made me faint.

Is he a fucking greek god or what?

He wasn't wearing a shirt and had the duvet covering his lower body.

One of his legs was bent and his arm was resting on it holding a mug of coffee.

And to add to that, the bright sunlight coming in through the ceiling to floor windows behind us gave his tan skin an ethereal glow.

Sitting there all confident in all his glory.

Knowing damn well he looks fucking hot.


"It's already 7am. I don't like going to work late but I'll make an exception today. The bathroom is that way. Go get ready." He pointed to my right.

With that, i looked around the place we were in.

It looked like a huge bedroom.

Where the hell...

I thought back to what happened yesterday.

I remember texting my sister about some stupid things and then he pulled my chair...

My face heated up like a ripe tomato as i remembered being manhandled onto the desk.

But everything is blank after that.

I looked down at myself and blushed even deeper when i saw that i was covered in hickeys and bitemarks.

And my clothes were scattered on the floor.

We really did it...

I stiffened when i felt him lean closer to me and whisper right into my ear with his deep voice.

"Be a good boy and go get ready now. We'll talk about this after work today."

I shuddered hearing his voice so close in my ear and feeling his hot breath.

"O-ok..." I muttered in a small voice before scrambling out of bed and going in the direction he had told me the bathroom was in.

I couldn't bring myself to do anything other than following his words.

I don't know why.

That voice just made me feel compelled to follow his orders without question.


I bit my lips as i looked at myself in the mirror.

There are visible bite marks on my neck even and my lower lip is also busted.

He really went all out...

I don't have anything to hide this with even.

I looked towards the door when i heard it suddenly open.

He came in holding an outfit in his hand.

"Wear this." He gave it to me before turning and going into the shower stall.

He really walked in here naked and went to take a shower completely disregarding the fact that I'm still here...

I looked at the outfit in my hand.

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