Ch. 1

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"Talia! Come on, you better hurry up before we're late! They'll probably finish the entire concert before we even get there, too." My friend Ashlyn called from downstairs.

I was in my room that night just finishing applying my lipstick. It was a pretty matte darker red shade, but not too too dark.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I hollered back as I snatched my purse and power-walked down the stairs to find Ashlyn sitting there in her ripped jeans and lacy black top with her dark eyeshadow around her blue eyes making them the first thing you notice.

"Aw!" She smiled, "you look cute...lets go." She grabbed my wrist with force as she yanked my out of the door.

"The concert doesn't even start for another two hours, Ash..." I said as she hopped into the drivers seat.

"Yes, BUT," she held a finger up, "I MIGHT get lucky enough."

"What does that mean?" I buckled my seatbelt.


"Meet Synyster Gates...I know..." I sighed but smiled at my friend.

Yes, we were going to see Avenged Sevenfold.

Probably the best-


THE best rock band out there.

" what song do we want to start us off with?" She asked before she started driving.

"How about..." I thought as I squinted my eyes.

Then we both looked at each other with a smirk.

As if we read each others minds, she put on A Little Piece of Heaven.

She started driving now.

"Now she's just so perfect I've never been quite so fucking deep in," Matt sung, "it goes on and on and on, I can keep ya looking young and preserved forever with a fountain spraying on your youth whenever."

"You know what?" Ashlyn spoke out of nowhere.

"What?" I turned my head.

"As much as I hate guys using girls, I would let Brian."

I started laughing.

She was so casual when she spoke the weirdest stuff like that.

"You made that statement bluntly clear ever since I've known you, you know."

"You know what else?"

Oh god..


"I would let Zacky fuck me too...and Jimmy..." She said before she turned her head to look at me.

"Is there such a thing as a foursome?" She practically whispered to me.

"You know," I chuckled, "it's just me and you in the don't have to whisp-HEY!" I yelled as she quickly slammed on the breaks.

We came close to dying, pretty much.

"You dumbass!" I placed my hand over my heart trying to catch my breath as she exploded in laughter.

"Okay," she said, "that was pretty cool."

"You're ill." I huffed.

"NO! Think about it," she said, "Meets Synyster Gates: 'Hi Bri, we got into a car accident before we got here but we're okay now. I thought of you so I lived.'"

I just stared at her.

"We didn't even get into an accident. We almost did."

"True...but it sounds better if we fib."

I just stared at her again.

"What?" She asked.

"You're unbelievable." I shook my head as we continued to move along the road.

"Hey, you'd do the same if it was Matt." She pointed out.

Matthew fucking Charles fucking Sanders.

He was, in fact, my favorite member out of all five.

"Look, it goes like this," she said, "Ashlyn is to Brian, while Talia is to Matt."

"What if we never meet them?" I frowned and sighed.

"You're too negative, man. Look, we don't have to physically meet them or even speak to them, our goal is to make them notice us. Even if we get a glare or we get flipped the bird they still noticed us, right? AND we will come back with a good story."

"I guess." I chuckled.

We finally arrived at the arena where they were performing.

"Also," she said, "how CAN'T they notice us? We're fifth row!"


"Hey, it's better then being so far away that we can't even see their beautiful godly faces."

"You sound like one of those obsessed fangirls, Ash. Loosen up. They'll hate us if we're like that." I said as we entered and we found our seats.

"Can I ask you something?" Ashlyn asked me.

"Sure, anything. What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing's wrong," she said, "I just..."

"You just what?"

"...would I get in trouble if I threw this at Johnny?" She asked as she pulled a banana out of her purse.

"Ashlyn, what the fuck?" I tried to hide the fruit so we (I) wouldn't face public humiliation.

"Well I'm always prepared, you know." She sighed as she put the banana back in her purse.

"This place is getting more and more crowded by the minute." I said as I observed my surroundings.

"I know," she frowned, "but it'll be fun."

That's the thing about my friend Ashlyn. You see reader, even though when things aren't going as planned or times seem to be bad or tough, she always tries to find a positive. But inside, she's still hurting. I don't know wether I like that about her or not yet. Part of me wants to, another part...not so much.

But I brought that up because it was this moment I could just see the truthful emotions shining right through her.

I didn't say anything though. Maybe it would be best if I didn't?

I dont know...

The crowed started to go ballistic as we both snapped out of our pre-show thoughts.


I heard Ashlyn say my name.

I looked at her.

She had her eyes bug-eyed towards the stage.

And just when I looked over, there they were.

The masterminds behind the music that spoke to us in almost every song.

The masterminds that made us feel almost every emotion possible in almost every song.

The men with the godly faces.

Five rows away from us.

I looked at Ashlyn with excitement, a huge grin smacked on my face.

But Ashlyn, unlike me, had a tear rolling down the cheek visible to my eyes.

I slowly frowned too.

Reality's slapping both of us hard across our faces.

And it hurts like a bitch.

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