Ch. 2

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"How's everybody doing tonight?"

His voice.

He wasn't even singing yet.

Just his voice.

This was making me want to jump with joy but also scream and cry out of pure depression.

This was already a fucking mess.

"Awesome, awesome," Matt grinned, "well, how many of you are seeing Avenged Sevenfold for the first time tonight?" He asked as I raised my hand.

Ashlyn was still frozen.

I sighed.

"Well, for all of you new-bees," he said, "when you see Avenged, and you like our music of course, you are officially part of our family." He said as the crowed cheered, already knowing what song they're going to preform.

"So with that," he said, " our god damn fucked up family." He said as The Rev kicked off the song with a mini drum solo.

Synyster Gates played the famous guitar intro.

And Matt started singing.

This was literally like a dream.

Yes, that sounds so fucking cheesy, but that's the best way I can describe this.

I feel like that I should physically slap myself a few (or a hundred) times just so I can wake up.

'Our goal is to get them to notice us...'

I perked up and tugged on Ashlyn's sleeve.

"Hey," I said.

"Zacky..." She quivered her lip as she reached her hand out for the rhythm guitarist with the snakebites.

I slapped her hand.

"Snap out of it. We're gonna stick with the plan." I said.

"What plan?"

"You said it yourself. We're gonna get them to notice us."

"How?" She asked as she looked at me.

"Hey, this is pretty much all your plan, not mine, so you should've had this planned."

"I do. But, I mean..."


"...we'll get kicked out, probably."
"What's the plan?" I asked as if in a hurry.

I kept glancing back at the band to see who was by us and who wasn't.

"I mean, I planned that we scream to the top of our lungs while Shadz is talking and then-"

I cut her off.

I looked back and quickly snatched the banana and chucked it was all my strength.

"DUDE!" She yelled and covered her mouth as she watched the banana land right next to Johnny who was occupied with his bass.

I huffed when he didn't even notice.

But eventually the song came to an end and the crowed went crazy.

"Alright," Matt said, "now, before we head on over to bat country," he said as some people cheered and whistled, "it looks like Syn wants to say something." He said as he handed the mic over to the beautiful cheek-boned guitarist.

"Yeah," he said, "I just want to question the two ladies right here who threw the fruit at Johnny." He pointed at us.

I dropped my jaw.

No fucking way is this happening.

I looked at Ashlyn and she burst into laughter.

Yeah, she's back.

"Wait, a banana?" Johnny asked as he turned around and noticed the yellow fruit.

"Oh," he said in a semi-shocked tone as others in the crowed laughed too, "you know, I've gotten hit with bras and panties and even bakery and flowers in my past...but never have I been targeted with a banana."

Okay, now I laughed.

Everyone was, in fact.

"Looks like they tried to Mario kart your ass, Johnny." Zacky said as Ashlyn cried.

And there she went.

Screaming her fucking head off.

"Wow," Matt said with a grin and raised eyebrows, "looks like we've REALLY got some fans over here. Throwing bananas and screaming like The Rev, over there."

Ashlyn made a heart shape out of her fingers and I slapped her hands.

She's unbelievable.

"Well why don't you two come on up stage with us then?" Matt asked as the crowed whistled and cheered.

I widen my eyes.


I looked at Ashlyn who was practically dying.

Her face was blotchy and her eyes were so red from crying at this point I actually considered taking her to a therapist.

What part of 'dont act like an obsessed fangirl' does she not understand?


Two security guards led us out of our seats and onto the stage.

The lights were blinding us and the heat up there was almost intolerable.

We were greeted by Matt.

His dimples made me want to just throw myself at him, to be honest.

But I had to stay calm.

"So you two are the ones throwing fruits at Johnny Christ, huh?" He walked us to the center of the stage.

The feeling up there.

It was incredible.

Almost like we were on top of the world.

"Well all I can say is-"

"Throw as much fruit at Johnny Christ as you want!" The Rev shouted as the crowed went crazy.


"Alright, enough chatting. Lets head on over to fucking bat country." Matt said as we were told to sit on a nearby step.

Right by Zacky's spot.

I looked at Ashlyn with a smile.

She looked at me with the same one.

"We did it." I said.

"You can thank me later for bringing that." She patted my shoulder as we watched the rest of the concert...right next to them.

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