Ch. 8

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It was a weird feeling.

Even though it's been like, a day since I've seen the guys in person again.

I still can't help but get these butterflies again.


Matt held his hand out letting me walk on the bus first.

I thanked him with a soft beam as I stepped inside to find myself facing a group of shirtless men smoking and drinking.

'So they really haven't changed...'

"Hey," Brian spoke up, "weren't you the girl we met yesterday?"

But before I could answer, Matt walked and stood next to me with a grin.

"Guys, you all remember-"

"Tal!" Zacky stood and shouted quickly as he pointed at me.

How did he?

The guys blinked at him and turned to look at me again.

But with awe.

"Tal?" Johnny walked over.

I was speechless.

But Matt somehow read my mind.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder with a smile.

"The Art of Subconscious Illusion vocal partner has returned." Matt said as I was greeted with grins and hugs.

"Babe! I missed you!" Jimmy obnoxiously yelled as he lifted me and spun me around.

"Missed you too, Jimmy." I spoke in chunks caused from the bone-crushing hug.

"How did you know it was her?" Matt asked as Zacky chuckled and pulled out his phone.

"Your friend Ashlyn sent me this." Zacky said as I took his phone and the guys crowded around me with curious eyes and ears.

It was a video Ashlyn took of me screaming last night.

I was furious.

But I was glad.

Remind me to thank her later.

"You can still scream." Brian clapped his hands in amusement.

"Lets give it a go then." Matt said as he nudged me.


"Right here right now. Get your guitars." He told Brian and Zacky as they obeyed.

"I'm not-"

"This can be happening," Matt spoke to me as Brian, Zacky, and Johnny played and Jimmy beat on the countertops, "why is this happening?" He placed his hand on my shoulder, "who the fuck are you, Talia?"

"Who the fuck?" He yelled as I laughed.

The music continued to play and I just waited for my dandy old part to come up.

"Take a video." I said as Matt placed his phone on the table and let it record us standing there.

"Punching screaming my mind can't change the speed!" I screamed as I jumped with excitement.

"As my victims bleed." Matt grinned.

"No matter what I do or what I try!"

Matt didnt even sing his next line because he started laughing so hard.

But his laughter made me laugh.

So here we are, laughing as we're trying to sing while the guys grin and play.

Just like old times.

I ended up touring with the guys the rest of the trip.

It was amazing, of course.

It's weird, it was as if we never separated.

Matt was kind but a little bossy, Brian was cocky but caring, Zacky was funny and quieter, Johnny was still the same good friend I used to know, and Jimmy was the typical loud and crazy and reckless Jimmy.

And Talia is still Talia.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed my time with the guys.

They even told me that they were going to take me out to dinner soon which I was looking forward to so very much.

However, something...interesting occurred that left me questioning while they were on tour.

But what is that question?


Why did I find the same wires from eight years ago in Matt's duffle bag?

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