XIX: Alone (pt2)

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Like every other Madrigal celebration, music fills the halls.  The delicious scent of corn-on-the-cobs roasting over a small grill and the atmosphere of chattering guests can be breathed in from every corner of Casita.  Flowers of all colors  and hanging from every wall add to the smells and sights.  But underneath the gossamer veil of joy and festivity lies the ever lingering fog of dread.  From Alma, worried about the magic and the candle.  From Antonio, who doesn't know if he'll get a gift or not and if he'll still be useful to the family even if he doesn't.  From the guests, who hold their breath that another Madrigal is blessed with a gift for their own sakes.  From Pepa and Félix, who don't know what will happen.  From Mirabel, who wants everything and the world for Toñito but also feels a bit discouraged and jealous that no one notices her.  And from you, the "outsider" of the family, the not really a "Tía" not even by marriage, who loves everyone here with all your heart and doesn't want anyone to feel left out which will happened no matter the outcome of tonight, but also... you were at the last ceremony and after that, nothing good happened.

The restless crowd settles around a red pathway made by Casita.  Alma tells once more the tale of how the Madrigals were blessed with a miracle and how now they were ready to add another child into the list of the gifted.  You stand at the edge of the crowd next to Camilo and Julieta, watching as Antonio lingers at the edge of the hall.  You can't hear what he whispers, but you see him stick his hand out, and from behind the curtain and the wall, Mirabel walks forward to grab it.  A hushed murmur starts humming around the room, and everyone is surprised at this considering Mirabel never got a gift.  Alma looked a bit worried, Isabella looked annoyed.  They make their way down the path and up the stairs, all the while you think, "Poor Mira.  The last time she endured this... tch."  

Alma once again says her little spiel about promising to serve the community and Antonio agrees.  Everyone holds their breath, including the small child, as he slowly inches his way to the door, afraid to touch the knob.  He finally touches it and...
It shines a bright yellow glow as a toucan lands on his arm.

"Uh huh.  Uh huh. I understand you!  Of course they can come!"

You look up to wear everyone else is looking as a flock of toucans glide over the roof and onto the railings of the staircase.  A bunch of other wild critters follow suit whether flying, leaping, or scurrying and all congregate in front of Antonio's door.  The door flashes and on it appear the carved images of Antonio with all the animals.

"We have a new gift!" exclaims Alma, a look of relief in her eyes.

They open the door and as the people begin to flood into the new room, the room starts creating itself, turning into a great green tree filled with colorful animals and burbling rivers.  One of the annoying kids from earlier this morning yells, "ITS BIGGER ON THE INSIDE?!" clearly in shock form the power of the magic.  You follow the people in and get inside in time to see a big cat of sorts taking Antonio away on a little joyride through his new tropical paradise and the crowd cheers as he does flips and twirls and bounces.  When he gets back to the main floor, the family crowds around him.  Alma says, "I knew you could do it! A gift just as special as you!"  unintentionally but also semi-intentionally implying that Mirabel was not special.
"Everyone let's gather for a picture! It's a perfect night, a beautiful night!"

As they all do their signature poses, you notice that someone is missing.  They begin to yelk 'La Familia Madrigal' when  you say, "WAIT! You forgot-"

Then everything went still.  Absolutely still.  (comment if you know the reference :P)

Almost still though but slowed down incredibly.  You watch as Mirabel starts crying and singing that she isn't as special as the rest of her family and how she wishes they could see her for who she is and she could make them proud of her.  You try to get over to her, but you're not fast enough.  She exits Antonio's room and goes out into the hall with you hot on her trail.  Well, incredibly cold on her trail but on her trail nonetheless.  "It must be the magic," you think to yourself.  Honestly what else could it be?  With all of your pushing and pulling against this weird pocket of time, you manage to shove yourself out of the door where time resumes as normal.  You frantically look around, out of breath as you just ran a marathon in slo-mo when you see Mirabel standing at the bottom of the stair case, looking towards the candle, desperate and alone.

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