Chapter One

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A/N Hi sorry if this is kind of bad this is my first story I wrote in 2 years. If you see any spelling or grammar mistakes feel free to correct but please don't be rude thank you on to the story

A/N 4 days later I finally have a photo of her I am not best drawing so this is the best you're getting from me. Have a happy time reading chapter 1.

(Phoenix Pov) Age 7
Hi my name is Phoenix Todoroki. I don't know who my parents are. I've lived with my grandparents all my life. Grandad Enji and Grandma Rei. They are the best I don't know why no one wants to talk about the past though. My quirk is fire wings I can manifest wings of fire from my back.

Grandma decided to leave me with a babysitter today but I want to go see Grandad at work.

On my way to granddad's hero agency.
"I have no clue where it is" I say well trying to find my way through a busy Street.

A sweet lady walks up to me and says "Hi, little girl are you lost?" I nod my head in responds. "Where are you going" she asks.

I respond with, "I'm looking for endeavors hero agency." I say with a sweet but confused tone.

She responds to me, "do you want me to take you there it's not far from here." I nod head and we start walking.

Once I finally get there I think her and she leaves. I walk up to the receptionist and say "where is endeavor?" I asked with a smile.

The receptionist responds with "he's in a meeting right now, who are you?"

I just say "ok" and start to try to find the meeting room. Once I see door a bright label next to it that says meeting room I walk in. Everyone in the room looks at me in shock. Especially grandad who is both shocked and worried about how I got there. I just looked back at everybody in the room with a smile.

Soon after someone with dark long hair looks at me with a weird look and asks "how did you get here?"

I simply respond with "I went out the window and then I got lost and a sweet lady helped me and I found here and I found this room." I say it like it's nothing and he looks at me very concerned.

Then midnight asks very confused at this point "who is this?"

Before grandad could respond I quickly respond with "Phoenix Todoroki" still smiling.

Everybody in the room now looks at me and disbelief I just look back at them curiously trying to figure out what I did. Before anybody else has a chance to say anything my granddad responds with "she is my granddaughter" All eyes now turn to him. It seems like everybody in the room is trying to figure out what's going on. I just stand in the front of the room still confused on what's going on.

Then the meeting door opens...


A\N I hope you all enjoyed chapter one if anybody reads it and I hope it makes sense.
Have a wonderful day 😁

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