Chapter Five

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(Dabi Pov)
I was doing my normal "patrolling" that Shiggy makes us do. When I noticed I was getting close to my old neighborhood. Now for a decision do I want to stick with doing the patrolling that I hate and is useless and it is eventually going to get us thrown in prison or do I go check on my daughter. I decided to go check on my daughter. I sneakily get over to the Todoroki house. I watched the outside of the house for about 10 minutes and when I was about to leave I noticed my little one sneaking out of a window. At this point I was very confused but I wanted to keep an eye on her to make sure that she was safe. When I noticed that she has no intent of going back to the house I follow her. I noticed she's heading sort of in the direction of endeavors agency when all the sudden she looks really confused and lost. I really wanted to go up to her but I know it is dangerous so I just keep an eye on her to make sure nobody creepy tries to go to her. I noticed a kind looking woman about my age. She seems to have asked my kid a question but I'm too far away to hear. I noticed that they are now walking off together I am very worried for her safety so I decided to keep following them. I realize that this is stupid and dangerous because we are starting to head into a area that it's more reinforced heavily with heroes. I just have to make sure that she's safe though I noticed that they go straight to endeavor's agency. I thought to myself oh a little one just wanted to see your granddad that's cute. I noticed her go into the hero agency and I know she is in safe hands now. So I turned around and decide to start heading back to base. I really wish I could have helped her I know it's for both of our sakes that I didn't. The entire way back to the league of villains headquarters I just think about her. I wish I could have been there when she was younger. I'm glad endeavor is actually taking care of her and not doing what he did to me and Shoto. By the time I get back to base I'm really not in the mood to talk to Shiggy but he is going to want to report on how patrolling went. I walk into base and see Shiggy sitting at the counter.

He immediately asks me, "How was patrolling?'

Me nothing in the mood to give him an in-depth report just said, "nothing new, no body is messing with your territory boss."

He know some things up because I'm less formal with him normally but he figures I'm just tired and lets me go to my room. I try to take a nap but I just can't fall asleep because I'm too preoccupied thinking about my daughter.


A/N sorry for making Dabi sorta stalkerish. Have a wonderful day everyone.

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