Chapter Six

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(Hawks Pov)
I was flying from endeavors agency trying to process finally finding out where she was and Toya took her. I'm getting close to the lov hideout but I don't want to go in right now so I fly around in the air for a half hour. I'm finally ready to go into the lov hideout so I put on my fake smile and walk in like nothing happened.

"Hey Shiggy," I say in a bright and happy tone.

He responds to me with, "hello Hawks," in his normal non-energetic tone.

I sit down at the bar and ask him, "how's your day been so far?"

He irritatedly looks at me with a why are you talking to me look on his face and responds with, "boring."

Trying to keep this conversation partially alive. I decide to respond to his bland response with, "same, I just got out of a dumb hero meeting. " I'm purposely leaving out the interesting parts that happened during this hero meeting. He just gives me the look of why are you still talking. I decided to get up from the barstool and go to the couch where Toga is. She looks way too energetic for any time so I decide to turn back from the living area of this room. I go back to Shiggy and ask, "where is Dabi?"

He looks at me and responds with, "in his room." While giving me a will this make you leave me alone look. Without responding I turn around and head toward Dabi's room.

I politely knock on the door and ask, "Dabi are you in there?"

After a minute he responds with, "yes, what do you want?"

Without answering his question I ask, "can I come in?" After another minute he opens the door giving me a irritated look. I walk in and say, "thank you," with a happy tone. He turns around from the doorway to look at me. Before he can kick me out I quickly ask, "how was your day?"

He decides to shut the door cuz he realizes he's not getting rid of me. Then he responds with, "tiring."

I respond with, "I get that. I just found someone I've been looking for a couple years now."

He looks back at me now interested, "oh, really?"

I look at him suspicious of why he's now interested, "yeah, why are you curious?" I say with no plans on actually telling him anything.

He looks back at me like he's hoping to get info out of me, "why yes I am curious." Then he looks at my sleeve and sees a small burn on it that not even I noticed. He grabs my arm and pulls on that burnt area of my sleeve. He viciously asks, "who burnt your sleeve?"

I respond to him while keeping my voice calm and low, "none of your business."

He then looks straight into my eyes with a very angry look, "did endeavor do this?"

I then calmly respond to him with, "no, it was not. It was an accident by a little girl with a fire quirk."

He then steps back his expression going from angry to scared. He then responds his voice barely above a whisper, "oh, ok." At this point I'm just curious what it is but I don't want him getting any more suspicious so I drop the subject.
A/N Sorry took me a month to update I got really busy with school work. Before I updated this I went through and fixed any grammar errors that I noticed when we reading my other chapters and I don't know if that notifies readers but if it did here's a chapter. Bye have a lovely day. 😁

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