Chapter 1 - Crossover

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The sun sets in the west, fiery red clouds were reflected in the sky, and the smoke rises from the tall chimneys. Accompanied by the occasional barking of dogs and the joyful barking of children, this formed a picture of a quiet and warm pastoral scenery.

If it were in normal times, Li Hehua would sigh at the beauty of this idyllic scenery. However, she currently has no intention of appreciating it at all. She just wants to say, yao shou~

(T/N: So I'm actually confused with "yao shou" part. The original translation of it is 'die really early' but there is also another translation which is "Oh my god" and "I'm sorry". I don't know which one to use.)

She looked around the courtyard surrounded by a wall of fence in front of her. Everything is completely unfamiliar to her and different from the modern times. Li Hehua was finally willing to believe that she had hit the jackpot and crossed over.

Crossing through time, what a magical word. This is something that she had read and only exist in novels. She had actually experience it. However, after being mad for almost half a day, she still had to accept the fact that she has indeed traveled through. She traveled to the ancient times, although it is still unknown what dynasty this is.

She really didn't know anything. Her mind was blank except for her own memories. She has been thinking for a long time and still, nothing comes to mind.

Li Hehua covered her forehead and couldn't help sighing. Why is there no memory of another person in her mind? What about the original owner's memory? Why didn't she inherit the memory of this body at all?

The blankness of her mind made her knock on her head in frustration. She couldn't help lowering her head.

As soon as she bowed her head, Li Hehua saw her current appearance again. She couldn't help calling out again.

No matter how many times she had seen it, she couldn't accept her physical appearance!

What kind of person is the original owner? Why did such a fat woman exist in the ancient times? Shouldn't all women in the village suppose to be undernourished? When did the living condition become so good that one could grow so fat?

This body is only 1.6 meters tall, but she weighs at least 160 catties. Her face is full of flesh and her neck disappeared already. She is completely filled with meat. She had counted it carefully. The swimming ring on the belly has four layers, the two legs are the typical elephant legs and the ankles are thicker than the calves. Such a look is really hopeless.

Oh my god! Forget about time traveling, why did she travel to such a body?

Back then, she only ate at most one apple every night to maintain a slender figure. She also went to the gym whenever she had time to exercise. She never weighed more than 95 catties. She has always been proud of her figure. But after so much hard work, she suddenly changes from a thin person to a big fat person all at once. Her heart ached.

Who can tell her where this is? Who is the original owner? What is her name? Did she have a family?

There's a lot of questions in her heart. She wants to know the answer, but unfortunately, no one can answer her.

It has been more than half a day since she woke up but she's still alone in this room. During this period, not a single one appeared.

This situation made her guess that the original owner is living alone. However, isn't strange for an ancient woman to live alone? Is the original body a widow? Or an orphan who lost both parents?

She didn't know which of her guesses is right.

"Gululu..." At this moment, a sound came from her stomach, causing Li Hehua to look down at her fat belly.

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