Chapter 9 - Borrowing Money (2)

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However, eggs and red beans are needed to make these two kinds of cakes. By the way, she also needs to buy white sugar. She doesn't have any of these things, so she needs to prepare extra.

But she only have five wen on hand, which is not enough to buy eggs. Red beans should have white sugar. What should she do?

She finally came up with an idea but she didn't even have the money to buy the materials. Is there anyone more tragic than her?

Li Hehua scratched her hair depressedly, making her look like a lunatic.

Is she giving up just like this? No, no, she can't give up. She needs money urgently. With this idea and her craftsmanship, she will definitely make a lot of money as long as she was able to buy the materials.

But where can she get the money? She didn't know the original owner's family and also didn't plan to ask them. The original owner also didn't have any good friends or girlfriends. Her reputation in the village is so bad and it was impossible to borrow money.

In the present, the only one that she knew and could say a few words was... Li Hehua's eyes turned to the outside yard where the sound of chopping came from. In there, a man was chopping some woods.

Li Hehua stood up and walked quietly behind the door. She opened the door a bit and looked out. What caught her eyes was a strong body with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, revealing a pair of strong arms. Holding an axe in his right hand, his muscles bulged again and again in every action.

If it was in the past, Li Hehua would definitely appreciate the handsome guy. However, she has no intention of appreciating it now. Her mind is full of thoughts about whether to risk her face and borrow money from him.

Is she borrow from him, there is a high chance that she will be rejected. It is estimated that she will be ridiculed severely. But if she doesn't borrow, she won't be able to so anything.

In the tangle of whether to borrow or not, Li Hehua finally chose to borrow. Isn't it just a face? If she is ridiculed, she will be ridiculed, at least she tried it. She can't just give up without trying.

Li Hehua plucked up the courage to open the door, walked slowly into the yard and went to Zhang Tieshan, but Zhang Tieshan didn't even give her a glance. He continue to chop the firewoods.

Li Hehua opened her mouth, closed it then opened it again. After doing if back and forth in a long time, she finally said, "Zhang Tieshan."

Zhang Tieshan glanced at her and continued to lower his head to chop firewood.

Li Hehua has never borrowed money from anyone in her life. She felt very embarrassed. She couldn't help but rubbed her hands together and forced a smile on her face, "Zhang Tieshan, can I ask you a favor?"

Zhang Tieshan ignored her. He didn't want to pay attention to her at all.

Li Hehua wrinkled her nose and knew that she wouldn't be able to persuade him, but there was nothing she could do. She's living under someone's roof. She had to bow her head. If she become rich in the future...

Li Hehua recovered from her imagination and continued, "Zhang Tieshan, can I borrow some money from you?" After speaking, she immediately added, "Don't worry, I will definitely pay it back. I'll give you an IOU."

Unfortunately, Li Hehua's words was returned with Zhang Tieshan's cold gaze. It was filled with disgust and warning.

Li Hehua bit her lower lip in distress. She decided to ignore his cold eyes and said "Zhang Tieshan, I want to make some pastries and sell them on the street, but I don't have any red beans, eggs, or sugar. You lend me some money and I'll buy some. When I earned money, how about I give it back to you immediately? You don't have to worry about me not being able to sell anything. My craftsmanship is very good. Try it when I'm done?"

Li Hehua put all the reasons to persuade him in her heart. She said it all in one breath. She then looked at the man quite nervously, expecting him to nod his head.

As a result, the man only spit out one sentence: "Go away! Don't bother me!"

Li Hehua: "..."

This man, why was he being so difficult!

Li Hehua didn't quit, and continued, "If you don't believe that I can make money, I'll make a copy for you right now. You'll know for sure that it will sell after you taste it, okay?"

There was no response.

Li Hehua continued: "If you don't like it, I can make it for the little baby. Children like to eat pastries. It's really delicious, so let him try it okay?"

Still no response.

Li Hehua continued again: "Zhang Tieshan, I really just want to make some pastries to sell for money. I only have five cents on me. You can lend me a little, not much. Just lend me twenty cents, please! In return, I'll pay you back thirty cents! That way, you'll earn ten cents."

As a result, the man still couldn't hear her. He didn't mean to pay any attention to her. It was just that the movement of chopping wood was getting harder and louder, as if he was cutting people. Li Hehua was afraid that the man would be impatient in the next second and hack her.

Li Hehua dared to try one last time, "Zhang Tieshan, didn't you hate me? As long as I make money, I can move out as soon as possible. You won't be seeing me here anymore, so can you lend me some money? I will definitely pay it back."

After saying this, Li Hehua really had nothing to say anymore. If he didn't agree, she really had to give up.

She stared at Zhang Tieshan quietly, waiting for his response.

Zhang Tieshan stopped chopping wood, straightened up, and looked at Li Hehua coldly with the axe in his hand.

Just when Li Hehua thought the man was about to hit her, he put his hand into his jacket, took out a string of copper plates, and handed it to her.

Li Hehua opened her eyes wide in surprise and reached out to get it, but her hands was empty. She couldn't help frowning at him.

She saw the man holding the money and said indifferently, "It's fine to lend you money, but you have to move out within two months, and then never appear in this village or in front of us again. If you disobey, don't blame me for being rude."

Li Hehua thought for a while and nodded, "Okay, I promise." Anyway, she doesn't want to stay here anymore. She won't have any interaction with anyone here in the future, let alone with them.


The author has something to say:

Our male lead will regret what he said today.

T/N: Agree with the author :>

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