17 1 0

- King -

"What about the new kid?"

School had ended finally and the gang and I were headed for the general store. As we walked down the street I started to wonder if this could work, I mean none of us were any good with school, apart from Richy we were all straight D students at the best. Cooper would have to carry us if we wanted to pass. We didn't even know if the boy was smart. Traditionally Richy would whip together a few sentences that sound relevant to the topic and submit them on behalf of the entire group. Now we were going to have to work.

"You ok?" Diesel stepped into stride with me.

I wasn't used to people asking if I was ok, but Diesel was the kind of person who asked everyone if they were ok. 

"Yeah, I guess. You think he can pull this off?"

We had, stupidly, sent Mustang to persuade the new kid to join us. 

"I guess, Mustang had a plan for once in his life. Plus what do we have to lose?"

I was about to answer but she was already in the shop. I pushed open the dirty glass door and took in the familiar smell of coffee and cigarette smoke. Richy and Yeehaw were fighting over the last chocolate milk while Diesel surfed the aisles for something sweet. I made my way down the second aisle, about halfway, on the third shelf, sat my favourite treat. Gummy bears. Don't ask why because I wouldn't be able to tell you, I just love them. Grabbing the small packet I headed towards the counter. Mr Sanchez stood behind the small desk smiling as usual. I knew for a fact that I wasn't paying so I waited while the others finished up. 

"How's school going for you?" Mr Sanchez was the only adult who ever took us seriously or cared about our wellbeing. 

"It's whatever, same old useless junk getting spewed by the same old useless teachers"

"Don't give up now King, you could do great things if you tried"

I nodded my head thinking over what he had just said. I knew that if I tried harder at school I might have been able to get somewhere, but I thought I was too far gone. Maybe if I tried I could get a scholarship to a good College. 

"Mr S! How's it goin'?" Yeehaw interrupted my thoughts with his thick accent.

"Same as always Yeehaw, I'm great"

Richy paid for our food and we made our way out. I pulled open the plastic packet in my hands and savoured the smell, it was one I couldn't describe, but loved. The sweetness and the texture invaded my senses, I stopped for a moment to admire it. A hand reached out and grabbed the gummy bears from my hand. I spun around and came face to face with my least favourite person ever. Taylor Smith. He was with his usual buddies, Brandon a tall blonde boy from the football team and Jack a short brunette who liked to run his mouth. I had been in a few 'disagreements' with Jack and he had given me more than enough bruised knuckles for a lifetime. Brandon however knew how to stay out of trouble and I had barely ever seen him in a fight. Taylor passed my bears around the group, each taking a handful and stuffing their gobs. 

"Mmm thanks for the snack King" He sneered.

I lunged at him but Yeehaw grabbed my collar from behind and yanked me back. 

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