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Sans wasn't sure he was ready.
He kept looking at the phone in Nightmare's hand: after he took it, there was no turning back.
Having a chance to talk to his brother should make him happy, but after two months isolated, the thought of hearing someone from outside actually scared him a little; he was, however, quick to dismiss this nonsensical idea.
That was a sign that he really needed that phonecall.

He looked from Nightmare to Dream, who was at his brother's side: the positive Guardian held his gaze, urging him to start.
He then glanced at Ink, who was seated on the couch leaning on Error: the Protector was completely limp and lifeless. Today Error had decided to make him wear a blue sundress.
Ever since their failed escape 4 days before, Ink seemed to have completely given up: he always did whatever Error told him to do, without question, and the glitch was obviously estatic.
The Destroyer had become a lot more tactile and open, always kissing Ink's forehead and hugging him; it made him and Dream very worried, and eager for any hope of an escape.

Sans looked back at Nightmare and smiled, hoping he was convincing. He extended his arm and said: "I-I'm ready."
The negative Guardian smiled back and handed the phone; Sans started making the number with shaky fingers.
It started ringing, and then-
Papyrus's voice filled the room.

They had discussed what he should say, but Sans had forgotten everything, even how to breath: that was his brother's voice, he was right there-!
"Who's this? How did you get this number?"
He sounded irritated, but Sans couldn't blame him, he was probably worried sick. His brother didn't like prank callers even on the best of days, and he was probably about to hang up.
"Sans?! Sans, oh stars you're alright! Can you talk?! How much time do you have?! How did you get a phone?!"
Forcing some cheer in his voice, Sans said: "Silly, I was given a phone! Nightmare thought I'd like to talk with you. Very thoughtful, isn't it?"
"Sans? What are you-"
"We really missed you, me, Ink and Dream." Dream perked a bit at that, Ink didn't care. "We're all happy to hear your voice!" Sans put emphasis on the word 'all'; his brother had to realize quickly that they couldn't talk openly anymore.
"...I see." His brother's tone mimicked his, becoming forcefully light. "Was there anything in particular you wanted to talk about? How are you?"
Do you have any informations for me? How are they treating you?
"I'm fine. Everyone here is very attentive! But let's not talk about me! I wanted to hear from you!"
I'm safe. They're controlling. I want to know what's happening outside.
"So I guess you just wanted to... Pick my brain?"
Alright. Don't worry.
Horror and Dust snickered at that; Sans could almost feel his brother tense at hearing their voices.
"Har har. Your puns are awful, as usual."
I miss you.

"Well, what can I say... it's in my bones. Anyway, I wanted to tell you not to worry about me, Alphys and Undyne are here with me and they make sure I eat my veggies, clean my room and all that good stuff. Undyne is a bit busy at the lab, and Alphys has her responsibility with the Guards, but they manage to come by often."
Lab? Guards? Undyne and Alphys had decided to take on human jobs after coming to the surface, a teacher and a police officer. What was Papy trying to tell him? Was he referring to someone else?
"That's good brother, I know you can be sloppy, and you need all the help you can get around the house! Though Alphys is a bit of a neat freak, I'm sure when she saw your room she saw Red."
Dream widened his eyes in understanding.
"You got it in one, bro!"

So Sci and Red were with him, helping him, and Sans doubted it was with house chores. They hadn't been the only ones busy trying to make a plan, then.
"Are there maybe some more of our friends helping you?"
Are there other people from the Council in on this?
"Almost everyone, really. It's like they don't trust me to do anything alone. Makes a guy lose confidence in himself."
I wanted to save you on my own, but they stopped me. We're all working on it.
"That's a lot of people."
"True, but the human keeps us all in line. They're doing a pretty good job organizing everything."
CORE is taking care of the planning.
"Hear this: even Temmie is helping."

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