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He had done it.

He had finally done it.

Error grinned, looking at the coordinates of the Omega Timeline displayed on his code window.

It had taken him months (at least, he thought it was months, time moved weirdly inside the Antivoid), but now he could finally meet his Kiki again. There was nothing he wanted more than holding his beautiful doll in his arms again, bring him home where he would stay forever and ever, with him, and never leave him. The thought made him so giddy.

Strangely enough, Error also found himself somewhat missing the brat; having a child was way more difficult than Error had expected, and took away a lot of time from him and Kiki. The kid had to be fed, clothed, rocked, always entertained, it was so annoying! And yet, Error supposed PJ was... cute. He liked it when they were silent, and they made Kiki happy, so he had decided it wouldn't be that much of a hassle to keep them.

Error pictured a scene in his mind, of his Kiki seated on his blue beanbag, on his lap, while he was feeding their baby, and the thought made him aroused.

He couldn't wait.

He immediately opened a portal: if the glitch had taken a bit more time, he could have also located Kiki with accuracy, and created a portal right in front of him, but Error didn't care, as he knew his doll didn't have his brush with him, and so he couldn't fight him or escape.

Besides, finding the Omega Timeline had been one of the Destroyer's greatest goals.

He wanted to have a little fun with all the other glitches. He has started destroying AUs again, but he couldn't enjoy it like he used to. It just wasn't the same without Kiki trying to stop him.

Error entered the Omega Timeline, and didn't waste time in capturing some random souls with his strings and shattering them. Glitches started screaming and running, and Error felt elated, and started laughing.

"a𝓱A𝓱A𝓱! 尺𝕌Ň, я𝕌Ň, я𝕌Ň, Aş ⓕAşt Aş 𝕪σ𝕌 𝓬AŇ, 𝕪σ𝕌 𝓬AŇ't Eş𝓬ApE 爪E, 𝕪σ𝕌'яE A𝔩𝔩 GσŇŇA ᵇE 𝓓乇a𝓓!"

He shot his strings left and right, conjuring Blasters all around, all the while looking for his Kiki. It was so exhilarating, the sound of the screams, the smell of dust and blood in the air, the feeling of magic buzzing inside of him. It made him feel so powerful.

Nobody dared to approach him or attack him. They all knew it would be pointless.

Error walked around leisurely while his blasters kept firing, admiring his work and nonchalantly peeking behind crumbled buildings to find glitches. He saw the grey brat out of the corner of his eye multiple times, appearing and disappearing near abominations, but for every group he found and killed, at least three other were directed away from him.
It was annoying, but he didn't really care, as he had another, more important objective in mind.

He paid attention to the feeling of his strings being touched: like a spider on a web, he was waiting and ready to capture his missing butterfly.


It had all happened too fast.

One moment he was spending the day with Fresh, trying to relax, the next they started hearing screams and then Ink saw blue strings and simply got PJ and ran.

He ran as fast as he could, not thinking straight.
"Mom?! What's going on?! Mom?! Mom?!"
Ink covered PJ's mouth and ran faster.

The first alley he saw, he shot inside and hid, sliding on the ground and heaving. He then felt wet, and saw that his child was hiccuping and crying.

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