Chapter 1

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Teddy's POV

I love my godfather. I love my family. They weren't blood related but they were just as good. But I was 22 years old and everyone else was still Hogwarts age.

James was just too much. He really takes after fred and george and his name sakes. Victory weasly just finished school, and we are secretly dating. No one knew except lily, and she kept it a secret after I begged her to.

I sighed. That was what I got for growing up with the potters and the weaslys. "OI, Freddy! I found a necklace! In dad's study! A necklace, in dad's study. I wanna see him where a necklace."
Yelled James. I frowned. Harry didn't usually put necklaces in his office. Unless it was a- oh no..

"JAMES! Don't touch that, it's a time turne-" I yelled but lily came and snatched it from him. "LILY NO! Your parents will killed me if anything happens!" I pleaded and she stuck her tounge out at me and threw it to Hugo. "Why though? It's just a necklace!"

Every tween and teen of the family were there at this point. The adults had some "important work to do" and I had too watch over their kids.

"Y'all, listen to Ted here. That shit ain't no safe stuff!" Vic yelled. Dominique sighed. Fred laughed. Hugo was still running with the locket then Molly tackled him to the ground.

I gasped. The time turner was falling, but there was nothing I could do. Not if I don't turn into flash or sonic in the next half of a second. Suddenly there was smoke all around us and the next thing I saw was people.

Familiar people that were either supposed too be dead but are alive or people that looked a decade younger then they actually are. "Fil-" something screamed but then a man-sirius?! "Shut up, bitch!" He yelled then turned and pointed his wand at us. "Now.. Who are you?"

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