Chapter 3

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James's POV

"THAT WAS A TIME TURNER! I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH IT! BUT NO, YOU JUST HAD TO BE YOUR ARROGANT OLD SELF AND LAY YOUR HANDS ON IT!" Lily yelled. "How was I supposed to know it was a time turner?! You never told me." I shot back. Lily opened her mouth as if she was about to scream at me but then just sighed. "Me and Remus both told you to not touch it. You did." She said. "Chill mates. Bickering won't help us now and I don't know what year we are in. I hope we are in the past though. I want a pet dinosaur to take with me back to Hogwarts." Sirius said.

He was right. And besides, I was never angry at my lily. "See, Evans, no need to mom me. And it will be awkward if you do considering my mom is your soon to be mother in law. " She rolled her eyes but stayed silent. Peter's face was sheet white.

We looked around to see people staring at us with open mouths and pale faces. And I also noticed that a few of them were s bit farther away then the rest. Then I saw something I would never forget. I saw Dumbledore. Phew. Dumbledore was there.

He looked at us. "ARE YOU FROM THE PAST?" He asked calmly (yes I had to do this and this probs won't be the last time)

"what year is it proffesor?" Remus asked. "It is christmas 1995." Lily gasped. I paled. Peter shuddered. Remus's eyes widened and Sirius's jaw dropped.

"1995!?!" A blue headed boy screamed. I frowned. Didn't he know that already? "We are from the year 2022!" I gasped. What!? Professor Dumbledore then turned to us. He raised his eyebrows.

The black haired man gasped. "Dude, I looked hot!" Looked? Wait.... He must be old sirius! He grew old. I bet I still look hot. I bet I don't have one wrinkle or streak if white hair. "No no no no no no no. Please no. PLEASE tell me this isn't me! I LOOK UGLY!" Sirius yelped. Old Sirius looked offended. "I thought I looked fine." Old Sirius said. "HOW DARE YOU CUT MY HAIR! IT IS SUPPOSED TO GROW LONG BUT YOU DECIDED TO CUT IT SO MUCH!" young Sirius whined. "MY HAIR IS LONG ENOUGH THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" Old Sirius yelled back. "NO IT IS-" young Sirius screamed but was interrupted when Professor Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Your hair is awesome, Sirius, and that goes for both of you. Now, tell us what happened, please." Both Siriuses opened their mouth to protist but one look from Lily told them to shut up.

"Ok, so we are going to start with the ones that came first. Who are you?" Dumbledore asked. The people that seemed to be with the blue haired guy looked at each other. I was going to tell them to start talking already when I saw someone standing there. I gasped. He was me. Looking at him felt awfully like looking at a mirror. He had messy black hair, he was nearly as big as me, he had my nose, my jawline, but his eyes. He had emerald green eyes that looked so familiar, but I couldn't place it.

"Well, this will probably be quite surprising for all of you, since in our timeline, you are from the past. So I am going to rip the band aid off quickly. We are all your future kids." The blue haired boy said. Everyone gasped.

Fred and George smirked. "So each and everyone of us got kids. Real life actual kids?" Fred started. "So like, everyone found a person, married them and then-" George was saying, but Molly glared at him and held her finger up. I laughed hard. I already loved those twins.

"I think I'd like to start by introducing ourselves to those who don't know us. I am Molly. Molly Weasley. This is my husband Arthur, and these are my kids. Bill." she said, pointing to a tall man with long red hair. "Fred and George." she pointed to the twins that I already loved. "and my youngest two. Ron and Ginny." she pointed to a boy with red hair and freckles and a redhead girl. "I also have my second child, Charlie, but he is in Romania working with dragons." SICK! "I WANNA WORK WITH FIRE BREATHING THINGS!" whined young Sirius like a 4 year old asking for ice cream. A purple haired lady stood up. (I didn't mention Percy because at the time Molly was depressed because of him and sob at the mention of his name)

"Hello, my name is Tonks. This is Remus Lupin, and that is Sirius Black." She said. My jaw dropped. Remus gasped. Sirius faked crying. "Old me has horrible sense of style! I hate me! I look like I am fresh outta Azkaban or something!"

Lily didn't even bother to scold him. She was too busy being shocked. But no one saw our bewilderment so they continued introducing themselves. "That." she pointed to a brunette. "is Hermione Granger. And the boy next to her is Harry. Harry Potter." I wasn't so surprised. I realized he was my relative the moment I saw him. But I still was shocked. There were only about a million questions running through my head.

Was he my son?

Was I a cool dad?

Who is his mother? Is it Lily?

Where was I? Where was wormtail?

Why does Remus look older then 35?

Why does Sirius look haunted?

I hoped they will be answered soon. "Ok, our turn." said the blue haired boy. "My name is Edward Remus Lupin, but I go by Teddy." Old Remus and Young Remus both gasped. I knew Remus never planned on having kids because of his furry little problem. and now Remus came to the future and his kid came from the futurer future and just came up to him.

"Are you- are you a-" Old Remus started, controlling himself before young Remus. "No, I am not a werewolf." Teddy said. "But he does get grumpy on a full moon. he becomes all moody. he gets mood swings as if he is on his period." a boy that looked like Harry and me said. "Shut up. No I don't." Teddy grumbled. "Yes you do." everyone from the future said.

"Anyways, I am Victoire. Victoire Weasley." a blonde chick said. Molly looked ecstatic. "who's kid are you?" Molly asked. "Bill's. My mum's Fleur Delacour." a younger girl said. Ginny gagged. but no one saw her. "I am Dominique. her sister." she said and pointed to the younger boy next to her. "He is Louis. our brother." she said. "I am Molly Weasley, this is Lucy, my sister. We are Percy's. yes, he comes back." The old Molly weasley burst into tears. "Hello, I am Roxanne. This is my brother Fred. We are George's kids and our mum's Angelina Johnson." She said. Everyone nodded. "YOU MARRIED MY GIRLFRIEND!" Fred yelled. "She is not your girlfriend!" George shot back. I grinned. This was amusing."

"ANYWAYS, our turn." Me and Harry's look alike said.

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