Chapter 4

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3rd person POV

Everyone nodded. James spoke up first. "HELLO!" he screamed. "CAN YOU HEAR ME?" He asked, even though he knew they can. "SHUT UP. And lower your voice." Lily said. He stayed silent. "Well? Start talking." Snape said impatiently.

James shook his head, pointed to Lily and zipped his mouth. "James. Quit the act and start talking." Teddy sighed. "It's not my fault she told me to shut up." James said. "JAMES!" Everyone from the future yelled, scolding the 15 year old boy that might as well be 3.

"Well, I am the one and only James Potter!" He said, bowing down to everyone and said thank you. The James from the past glared at his grandson. "NO, I am the James Potter!" He yelled. "You are James Fleamont Potter. You are the James with a boring middle name. I am James Sirius Potter. The best, hottest boy in the entire whole wide world." James Sirius said.

Harry and Sirius were both pale and they looked seconds away from crying. Remus also had little color in his face and was staring into space. No one could blame them. Because it was obvious that the 5 people in the corner were the Marauders and Lily. Harry was barely succeeding in fighting the urge to go kill Peter right there and right now.

Arthur cleared his throat. "I am assuming you are Harry's twin since you two can easily pass as twins." He said. Past James scoffed. He seemed to be a bit competitive with his grandson, but the secret is that they both secretly liked it. They both became fond of each other and this was their way of showing affection to one another.

"Yes, sir! I am Harry's twin. I mean son! But you will never guess you our mother is." James said, saluting Arthur.

"Is it Cho?" Ron asked, speaking for the first time. Ginny paled. She gagged but no one saw her. No one except Lily Evans. She raised her eyebrows and smirked at Ginny. Hermione shook her head. She knew Harry liked Cho but she knew it was just a phase.

James scowled. "Who the hell is Cho!? I assure you my father is not stupid enough to marry a girl that is not my mother." He said. "I'm gonna give my sister the honor to tell you who mum is." He said.

"Well, I am Regulus Remus Potter. James's brother." Regulus said. The Sirius from 1995 and the Sirius from 1975 both gasped and turned to Harry. Harry frowned. Everyone stared. Some people knew Regulus and were really confused, and others had no idea Sirius had a brother.

"Thank you for naming him after me, Harry." Remus said, trying to lighten the mood. "We will explain everything soon enough, promise. Just give us a moment." Teddy said, and then everyone moved on to Lily Luna.

"And I am Harry's youngest, Lily Luna Potter." Lily said. Lily Evans paled. Why was Harry's son named after her? It was definitely a coincidence, she thought. Or maybe she became a famous celebrity that made Harry idolize her. She scoffed to herself. As if.

Rose opened her mouth to speak but fred cut her off. "Wait a second. James, Lily, and Reggie gotta tell us who Harry shagged." Harry groaned. Sirius looked down sadly, for the name Reggie gave him memories. Ginny was ready to throw up. "Our mother is.. Ginny." Lily said.

Everyone started screaming. Ron glared at Harry. Fred and george both raised there eyebrows at him, Harry was pale, and Ginny was beyond ecstatic.

Ron pounced at Harry but then was interrupted by Molly's squealing. "Then Harry will officially be family! This is brilliant!" She said, overjoyed. Ron and Fred and George stopped what they were doing.

Rose spoke next. "I am Rose Weasley. Ron's kid." She said. Her brother waved. "I am Hugo, also Ron's. Our mum's Hermione." Everyone ooohed and ahhed and awwwed but Hermione and Ron were both as red as the Wesley's hair. Money was passed around everywhere. Dumbledore gave Professor Minnie a galleon, Bill earned himself a few sickles each from Fred and George, Ginny gave Harry a few knuts, and Sirius gave Remus 2 galleons. Ron's jaw dropped. "YOU ALL WERE BETTING ON US!" He yelled. "Since first year!" Harry said matter of factly.

"Wait, Lily, Al, James, who are your grandparent?" Past James said, excited to know who will be marry, crossing his fingers for it to be Lily Evans. "Well there's Molly and Arthur from Mum's side, and James and Lily Potter from dad's."

Past Lily shook her head. Lily was a common name. It could be anyone. "And.. What was Lily's maiden name?" He asked, careful not to keep his hopes up.

"Lily Evans of course." Said the present Sirius, smirking, since he knew how much James loved her. Sirius and James started doing happy dances, Remus laughed, and Peter smiled. Lily looked ready to kill. "WE GOT EVANS! WE GOT EVANS! WE GOT EVANS! WE GOT EVANS! WE GOT EVANS!" James and Sirius kept cheering. Lily groaned. He must've matured for her to say yes, she thought. She convinced herself that by the time she married him, he wouldv'e stopped being a arrogant toerag. She lost her best friend two weeks ago, and maybe James matured enough by the end of Hogwarts. He'll change eventually, she thought to herself.

"Ok, our turn." James said after finishing his party with Sirius. "I am James Potter, the original one, and that's my best mate, Sirius Black." Present Sirius felt his chest tighten, and before he realized it he was crying.

He wiped his tears before anyone saw them. The last Sirius just smirked and waved, oblivious to the fact he didn't even have a decade left with his best mate. "And my other best mate Remus Lupin." Remus groaned quietly and looked down, suddenly interested in the floor beneath him.

"Hello." Past Remus said. Harry was shaking all over and sobbing quietly. Present Sirius saw him and ran to him, pulling him into his chest, both giving and seeking comfort. "And my other best mate, Peter Pettigrew." Harry couldn't take it anymore, he stood up and ran to him. Sirius pulled him back. "Hello guys! As you must have realised, we are pretty inseparable, we do everything together and we stick together no matter what!" Peter said.

Sirius let go of Harry which caused both Harry and Sirius to run and punch Pettigrew where ever they can. Pettigrew tried to run away. James from the past jumped in front of Peter. "Woah woah woah, what the hell do you think you're doing? I thought you were Sirius? Why would you punch your best mate like that? And you! Aren't you my son? I cant have raised a boy that would attack his un biological uncle like that." He said. "You didn't raise me like that, dad. Guess why! Because your dead!" Harry said. "Guess why! Because of him!" Sirius continued for his godson, pointing at Peter.

Kk, just to clear things up, Regulus Remus Potter is Albus Severus Potter with a different name. I just hate Dumbledore and I hate Snape, and I just couldn't write a good character named after my 2 least favorite characters. I am sorry of this confused anybody or if someone likes Dumbledore and Snape and hates Regulus or something. Thx for reading <3

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