Chapter 3: The Cave Dweller

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Kael's sleep was deep and full of convivial thoughts. His dreams swept him back towards days which were easier and tranquil. He was striding through the woodlands of Gerdow nearby where the capital lay. His master was there with him, Old Tir'Qua, and they walked together talking and joking as they once did long ago. It was mighty wonderful to see him again.

 Each step brought them further from the capital as villages and hamlets blurred by. They passed by blossoming trees with colorful birds singing upon the tree tops One step brought them to a glade with glowing green  pixies buzzing about. Another step brought them to the field of Azmir where unicorns galloped free upon the prairie billowing up dust as they galloped by.  They continued on, walking miles with each step and then they stopped.

Their travels had brought them to the land of Golly at the edge of the elven realm. The prairie turned to highlands and the land was rich in minerals. For such reasons, the elves of Golly were renown even among dwarves for their craftsmanship in stone and metal. 

 But Kael and his master did not stop near a settlement but the Woodlands of Ral'Kin. The trees, Grey Jenin, grew tall with a wide and thick canopy. Among its leave blossomed yellow Jenin flowers which smell was pleasant to the senses and used in many perfumes. But within the biggest and oldest tree was the home of Ral'Kin. A warm feeling of home emanated from the venue. For all were welcome and none turned away. They approached the door and Old Tir'Qua walked in to join Ral'Kin who was looking out his window. And yet, before Kael could join them his eyes opened wide.

He found himself laying on a soft pallet of hay  inside one of the wagons. He was draped in a warm wool quilt dyed dark blue and golden yellow. It was embroidered with the image of rolling waves parted by a golden trail. He sat up and stretched his limbs. He felt rejuvenated and ready to depart. He turned to find his pack was beside him. It seemed that the Promenelle elves had given him supplies; his pack looked fuller than it had been before. Around him were other pallets and two of them were occupied. Kael quietly and silently dawned his gear and exited the wagon.

It was already midafternoon and the sun was beginning to fall down into the horizon. Already dark clouds formed in the South moving towards their direction. The screeching of the thunder birds could be heard just vaguely of in the distance. 

 Some of the elves were chatting around their campfire. Kael went to approach them. For he felt foolish and guilty for his demeanor that morning. But before he could utter a word, the Promenelle elves noticed him and began to address him all at once.

Liliah was the first to say, "Well good afternoon Kael. It seems that your dreams were quite pleasant."

"You do not look as glum as you did this morning." Kael heard Huck mutter as the other elves congratulated him for his success over his weariness.

"You are all too kind." Praise Kael. "Your generosity goes above the hills and over mountains. I wish to apologize for my earlier rudeness. I have had some rather uncomfortable experiences with your people before. I judged you based on those encounters and apologize for that." 

Kael stood with his cheeks coloring red with embarrassment. The other elves however, smiled at him and their emotions radiated acceptance and forgiveness. Narm with tears in his eyes, walked up and gave Kael a big bear hug. Kael felt even more embarrassed. The other elves laughed and began a quick tune comparing Kael to that of a ripening tomato.

"Enough, enough!" cried Merry chuckling with the others. "If we do not stop our guest might turn to stone. Already he has gone ridged, unable to move from his spot." He walked up to Kael and held out his hand. Kael took it and they embrace.

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