Chapter 8: Rest Stop

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Kael found himself ensconced atop a bed of his own. The mattress was neither soft nor the pillows firm but for being battered and bruised and used to sleeping at the behest of mother nature, he found the experience utterly delightful. He closed his eyes and bathed in the rays of the dusking sun which flowed from the solidary window which overlooked the small hamlet. A soft knock on the door proceeded by the click of a door knob indicated that the inn keeper Ol' Rudiford had returned. 

The inner keeper glanced at the elf with a smile on his white bearded face. "Glad to see you are enjoying your apartment. We don't get much foreign visitors as it is and it was a mighty shame that we had to turn away your kin a few nights ago. There is always a hoot in Suregrass when elves come to visit. By any chance my friend will..." but the old inn keeper was cut off.

An elderly woman shortened by time and plump with age grabbed the inn keeper with a sudden jerk.  "Leave the poor elf alone. Can't you see he is exhausted? My apologies. My husband is quite excitable. Anyhow, we will be serving dinner in a few hours. The bath house is out in the back and your companion has already headed down. If there is anything else don't be hesitant to ask." The inn keeper's wife nodded in satisfaction and closed the door to leave Kael in peace. The sound of footsteps retreating towards the stairway indicated the pair was gone.

Kael sighed with indignation  towards his circumstance. He very much wanted to stay and simply rest, but daylight was still burning and things had to get done. Namely sanitize himself in the bath house and stitch up any holes gained in his attire. With a heave the elf push himself off the bed, stretch out his body, and made his way towards the bathhouse. 

The next few hours of their stay was relatively uneventful with each member of the duo busily taking care of their needs. Soon enough the inn keepers beckoned duo to come down for the evening meal. Both Kael and Yarlin raced down to the dining area of the first floor. They had eaten little throughout the day and welcomed the taste of a well made home-cooked meal. After satiating their appetite the pair took refuge over by the fireplace. A myriad of cushion chairs encircled the chimneyed in the effort to claim its warmth. The duo sat next to each other and began to converse quietly; pointing to Kael's map and charting their course to the town of Lawrence. 

 As they conversed, the twilight vanished and the stars twinkled in clear night sky. It was a short time later did the clatter of iron boots announce the arrival of an approaching group. The wooden door of the inn was pushed opened followed by four guards. Immediately afterwards, did Lady Caligo walk in accompanied by an older woman with a drab gown accented with green ribbon. Lady Caligo and her companion headed towards Kael and Yarlin while the guards found themselves comfortable at a table with a pair of dice and spare coins.

With the same air of confidence and command did Scarlet Caligo to address Yarlin and Kael, "I see you have found yourselves settled. That is good for there is still much I wish to discuss with you. Now Miril, as a priestess of Verden can you verify their previous claim."

"I very well can mistress." Miril replied pulling out a wooden amulet carved with runes.  "If Verden's blessing is upon them then this simple amulet will glow in resonance to her power." The priestess began a chant first holding the amulet over Yarlin. The amulet remained still and no reaction occurred. Then the same procedure was applied to Kael. Miril again chanted words of magic and reverence towards Verden. Within the mere second the chant was finished the runes of the amulet burst to light, shining green all along the wood. Miril gasped as she was not expecting that reaction. She was about ask a question when Lady caligo cut her off.   

"That  will be all priestess. You may go now." Lady Caligo stated dryly, motioning to the door. The knight seemed to be tired and with little patience left. The priestess looked quite displeased and on the verge of challenging to the command. But with one look at Lady Caligo's demeanor, a mood that read 'do not test me' did Miril do as instructed and left the inn. Though it was quite apparent on the priestess' face that she was quite displeased.

 The knight headed over to an empty chair by the fireplace stretching herself out and rubbing her temples. "Well, I better not dally. It is apparent that the words you have utter is of truth. The amulet's glow is proof enough that you have encountered the Great Sage. So I will honor my promise I made at the gate. Are any of you aware what is currently occurring around the borders of Meso?"

Yarlin simply shook his head. The draco had simply been disconnected from the affairs of the outside world to know of such matters.  Kael, however, had an inkling of what news the knight was referring to. He remembered back to the warning of the Promenelle elves.

"You are referring to the army of goblins that's marching along the border to the dwarven enclave of Mount Nail?" Kael replied.

"Exactly." Lady Caligo took in a few deep breaths preparing herself to give a long winded speech. "To give context and to keep things simple, there is a bunch of unsavory politics at play, most of which you need not concern yourself with. But what you need to know is that King Indus has formed a grand army; bigger than normal for our small kingdom of Meso. Needless to say, the toll for such a large military comes at the price of our fighting men and women.  Thus our lack of local security, gives brigands and thieves a brazen edge they did not have before. As you have encountered, our measure to protect ourselves have been to stifle foreign travelers and keep our settlements fortified. Once this state of emergency has been lifted, you'll find Meso as friendly as another other kingdom, if not more welcoming."

Lady Caligo reached into her coat pocket and removed a rolled up sheet of parchment. She tossed it over to Kael, who undid the thread holding the roll together. "That there," Lady Caligo yawned, "is a proclamation of my house giving you leave to station at  any town, village, etcetera. It has my personal signature and seal, so it should work throughout the kingdom. I won't offer another, so don't lose it."

"The offer is greatly appreciated." Yarlin gave a small bow to complement his sincere praise. "Now, I understand the need for security, we do the same in Dune when rival clans skirmish, but what is the purpose for such an army that drains its people as the desert sand does to water."

Lady Caligo tapped her chair thinking of a response to give. "Let's just say, the King is readying our kingdom incase war truly comes between the goblin tribes of the Red Canyon and the dwarven enclave at Mount Nail. But, that is all I am willing to say for now.

"Anyhow, I would like to make known, that I personally prefer to escort you two to Mount Nail myself. I am a cautious person," she pointed at the duo, "and the coincidence of your course lining up at the intersection of three armies is, well, too much to bare. But, I have a band of orcs to go hunt down. Your message while appreciated, has started rumors and worries which I have to go and quell." Lady Caligo gazed sternly at the two. "We will meet up again. For I am not done here. You," and she gazed with fiery intent at the elf, "are holding back something from me and I intend to find out what. But as I have no authority to hold you, Yet, you are free to go."

The two stared at her blankly. The threat was obvious and clear. This Lady Caligo, Kael thought, is more complicated than he first imagined, even for a human. The knight yawned and walked off to her room on the first floor. Her guards seeing their captain leave called thanks to the inn keepers, and they too left to their sleeping quarters. 

"Well I like her." Yarlin smiled. "That Lady Caligo is not only strong in her stature, but she is a well of honor."

"I can't help but agree." Kael shivered as he replied. "I think we should follow suit and go get some rest. I would feel much better if we left early in the morning."

"Wise judgement indeed my friend." Yarlin began to stand. "We can make more ground that way."

While that was not what Kael meant, he could disagree with the claim. He was quite anxious to make up the time he had lost the previous two days. The Great Sage Ral'Kin needed him and each second of delay was a tic closer to his demise. 

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