Chapter 11: Talk and Travel

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With medical aid administered to the survivors, it became apparent that the wounded were in no condition to journey back, to what the missionaries referred to as the encampment.  After a brief discussion, it was decided that the best solution, given the situation, would be to send a small group back, as oppose to seeking out a nearby village for further aid. This encampment was approximately an hour's journey by foot and the Winged Cohorts stationed there, it was argued, could respond to the scene quicker and perhaps deter, with their presence, any retaliation by other bandits, should they be in the vicinity. Those who remained would monitor the wounded and remain vigilant for any possible danger. The only decision, then, to be made, was to determine who will be sent back.

In the meantime, Kael and Yarlin were busily working on bringing order to the mess left behind by the battle.  Together they lifted up the over turned wagon still laden with supplies and other undiscernible bags. They then went about collecting the rest of the material strewn across the ground. 

The work, although tedious, was completed rather quickly and so Kael and Yarlin leaned against the now upright wagon to await the outcome of the discussion.  To pass the time, Kael's gaze wandered over to the two groups of wounded; one for the travelers and the other for the restrained brigands. Two of the missionaries along with the assistance of the nut-brown hair girl, were offering the nine wounded travelers water and inspecting their bandages. Of the nine, three were missionaries, four human mercenaries and the two others Kael could only guess on their affiliation. 

Kael turned to see Yarlin directing his observations towards the six remaining bandits. It seem that the draco, led by his honor and his own morality, was keen on ensuring that these brigands would under no circumstance escape.  Yarlin upon noticing Kael's gaze, went over and nudged him on the shoulder. "I'm guessing they will probably want one of us to accompany their foray back to their encampment."

"It is possible." surmise Kael. "On the other hand, they could request for us to remain here and assist the mercenaries in their watch. They will need the help if more brigands attack."

"Well," Yarlin began, "regardless of which outcome, I have already made my mind on the matter. I have decided that I am going to stay here. I want to keep an eye on these bandits and make certain they won't escape by their own means or possibly by others. Besides, you should head back. Didn't you say that the Promenelle elves suggest for you to ask the Mage Motol for advice? This would be the opportune time to ask about his whereabouts. Don't you think?"

Kael thought over Yarlin's suggestion. It was not a bad concept to consider. For him to leave now, would provide him ample opportunity to speak with the missionaries and learn some interesting information. However, the risk of another bandit attack was still a very real possibility.  

 After a few moments of pondering, Kael determined his decision. He was about to reply to Yarlin when the dwarf mercenary, Goldol, appeared before them. This surprised the elf as he did not notice the dwarf at all during his approach. Dwarves were usually not the type accustomed to stealth nor was silence ever considered a trait amongst their people. As a ranger and mostly out of his own curiosity, Kael wanted to inquire on the matter but he never the chance. For Goldol seeing that the attention was on him, immeditaely, without any hesitation, he began his report. 

"Well my friends, I hope the wait didn't glum your spirits. Our discussion did go a bit longer than we expected. In fact, it should had been done much sooner but none of my crew wished to go. Actually," the dwarf chuckled, "we all wanted to stay and see if more action would occur. We even placed a bet on whether more bandits would show. Eventually, we decided to let lady luck have the final say, after a few coin tosses. All I can say is that Lef is not one too bit happy by the result. Though I can't blame him. Once you inject a bit of action into weeks of boring labor and what can you expect. I mean sure Captain Lazure accepts out of the way offers but..." The dwarf suddenly stopped and refocused on Yarlin and Kael. "Sorry. I have a tendency of ramblin on. Anyway back to the business at hand, we've ultimately decided that as both of you are not bonded to any of our companies, neither of you should hold any obligation to remain with us.  We would be delighted for your continued support, but you are free to go if you wish.  Of course, we will handle the bandits and get them to the gaol. We have done so many times already. It is standard with the job. In fact..."

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