Chapter 9: A Full Day's Trek

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Under the fading starlight, the weary guardsman did not at all look surprised at the sight of an elf and a draco sauntering down the central road of Suregrass. In fact, he was fully expecting their arrival, albeit at dawn right after breakfast. 

For not an hour prior did the Knight Lady Caligo, her troops, and a few of the locals leave the hamlet. The entire group, with grim expressions, were riding horses prepared for a minacious hunt. He knew the reason of course from last night's citizen assembly. For after the update on the fragile negotiations happening at Mount Nail, did the lovely Lady Caligo confirm the rumors of orcs terrorizing the country side and asked for volunteers to hunt them down. He was informed, by the Lady knight, to carry out two simple tasks. The first was to give no trouble to the elf Kael and the draco Yarlin as they left the rural settlement. And the second, was to provide them with a personal message.   

With the stretch of his old limbs the gatekeeper turned to his quiet companion and softly said, "I can take care of this myself. You can sit back and rest. Besides, you have an arduous task ahead of you yet and you will need all the energy you can muster." The companion, hidden by dark clothing nodded in agreement.

The studious guard exited his guardhouse to greet the approaching duo. "It would be quite improper to say good morning to you both, as the sun has not even peaked above the horizon. But nevertheless," he smiled, "a merry morning to each of you. And of course, good wishes on your journey."

"A merry morning to yourself, gatekeeper." replied Yarlin. His orange eye and tatoos glowing slightly in the darkness. Kael replied in the same fashion, although a yawn stifled much of his speech. Between the two, it appeared that the draco was better rested.

The guardsman at once began to unlatch the wooden gate, chit chatting as he did. "So do you two have any plans on where your going next or are you just wandering around the country side? If you don't mind me askin of course? Cause if you have coin to spend, south of here is a distillery in the village of Mattox. It's quite popular around these parts for its sweet red wines."

"We're... ahhh... heading towards the west. We have some business in Lawrence we have to attend to." Kael replied suppressing another yawn. He really would have preferred to sleep in another few hours. But what use was sleep when an anxious mind would never let it rest. 

"Lawrence," smiled the guardsman unhinging a lever on the gate, "my brother-in-law works there down at the docks. He says its a wild place, hustling and bustling with all types of people. The folks over there don't know how to breath or rest, unlike here in the countryside. 'Always moving, never thinking', my sister Stephanie writes to me. Oh, and inconsiderate too. I would better be careful if I was you, when you get there."

"Noted," was all Kael could respond with. The thought of finding this one important human among many made him anxious. Now the addition of this dubious reputation would only encourage his anxiety to grow. 'Hopefully,' Kael mused, 'a long day trekking towards Lawrence will tire this worrisome mind of mine.'

Yarlin laughed softly, "I'll judge this monster when I see it. I'm sure it is nothing we can't handle."

"You would be surprised," the gatekeeper chuckled. "Merchant towns tend to attract a certain type of person. And not the good ones. Just be prepared is all I suggest." The guardsman finished with the final latch and began to pull open the wooden-gate door. 

"Oh and one more thing." said the guard pausing his action. He turned around with a serious expression. "The Knight Scarlet Caligo has offered an invitation to join her when you arrive at Mount Nail. Be aware that the Caligo contingent is located at to the western end of the king's encampment. Once there, look for the sight of the Caligo banner, a white flag adjourned by a golden panther paw. She eagerly awaits for your reacquaintance and to begin where you last left off."  With the commencement of his instruction, the guardsman parted for the duo to leave. 

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