Chapter 4: Fireside Chat

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"Welcome to my little abode!" declared Yarlin lifting his arms wide in emphasis. "It's not much to see. Not much at all. But it is much better than the wide open air. The cave, though small, keeps the warmth in nicely. Please seat yourself by the fire and get comfy. I have just caught a javelena or whatever type of boar is found in these part. Give me a few minutes and I'll have some cuts ready to cook."

Kael sat down next to the fire as asked. Though he scooted back, leaning against the stone wall. For the cave was quite torrid and steamy. A large fire nearly taken up the middle of the floor was a blaze with a billowing red and blue fire. The coals crackled, hissed, and popped while the licking flames hissed in the air. It was so hot that Kael unbutton the top of his clothing and loosened the leather straps of his armor.

Outside the drops of rain began to pelt the roof of the cave. A powerful lightning bolt arched across the sky. It was immediately followed by a shockwave of thunder that shook the area. Out of the sky, figures dressed in violet and gold escaped from the clouds darting to the valley below. Kael was quite glad right now to be sheltered. For thunder birds were fearsome predators with talons that crackled with electricity. One grasp by their claws could leave one stunned and vulnerable. 

Yarlin returned from the back of the cave carrying a long black steel dagger. Two cuts of pork were skewered upon the blade. The draco went over to the fire and the stabbed the dagger right into the middle and deep into the searing coal layer. The flames licked his arms but when he removed himself, there were no signs of damage to his thick black skin. 

"My friend, though I am ashamed that my hospitality is lacking, I can offer you a toasty seat instead of the hard cold stone."

Kael was quite unsure of what the draco meant and so he declined the offer. "I am quite fine here. Rangers such as myself learn to find comfort when seemingly none are to be found. I would say that your cave floor is not lacking nor the wall that I lean against."

Yarlin shrugged, accepting the answer. He then reached into the fire pulling out a handful of red coals and dropped them onto the floor beneath him. He grabbed a slab of rock which he set onto the coals before seating himself upon it.

"So tell me the tale." asked Kael. "For I am interested to know how an orc got nailed to a tree."

"Is there a tune you wish me to sing the tale to?" inquired the draco.

"No tune needed. I am not a Promenelle elf, but a High elf from the land of Gerdow. They might be our kin, but we are quite different and may I say less strange. For instance, we do not go around singing as if the world was some large amphitheater."

"That is a shame." replied the draco. "I was hoping to hear more pleasant tunes of your people. They are quite pleasant to the ears and help the mind ward from unpleasant thoughts."

"That does not mean I can't sing." boasted Kael. "But," he said anxiously, "I do have to be in the proper mood to perform."

The draco laughed in amusement. "Well maybe my tale of glory will get you in the mood."

"Perhaps." Kael responded. He bit his lip in spite of himself. For he did not actually want to sing at all. He cursed himself for the idiotic boast.

"I think I shall begin the story early this morning right when the sun was dawning. I had awakened with the elves down by the road after spending a pleasant evening with them. I said my farewells to the ten of them and set myself upon the trail to my home.

"I was strolling along, whistling one of their tunes, when I was struck with a surprise. For there squatting in this very cave was one ugly orc. He was feasting upon my rations like a pig. Crumbs dropped from his mouth as he turned to see me. His eyes bulged wide as mine in surprise. If I was expecting the fiend I would not have approached so casual, but, as I did not,  my voice was open for all to hear. 

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