Chapter Two

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As Archie Andrews stares at the window in his bus, he couldn't stop thinking about "her girl," Veronica—what could've been if he didn't cheated and they were able to stay together until college, perhaps the end of time. After he saw Veronica, he realized that she was "the one," yet he still let her slip away. He was so devastated, wanting to punch himself for making irrational decisions out of petty temptations.

"I wish I am not that stupid," he whispered to himself while covering his face because of embarrassment. "I let my mom and dad down for having faith in us."

He wanted to ditch his plans and run back to Veronica no matter how degrading it is, but he knew that it is too late and too far away from Riverdale now.

"If we're meant to be, we'll find our way back." That is just what he told himself to feel better. He was hopeless and feeling like a fool, but there is still a light he was holding on because he believes that Varchie is an endgame, just like what his parents believed, too.

Since he believed that Destiny will be the one making a way for them, he tried to distract himself from all that in the military. He trained so hard there, making him promoted in different positions time after time until he became the sergeant. But what he used as energy to do all those things was still his anger (to himself) about Veronica and him.

A year later, when he got the chance, he visited his uncle Frank in Riverdale.

"You're a man now, boy, looking so much like your dad" his uncle glanced at his macho yet decent appearance.

"I hope I'm making him proud," Archie responded.

"Of course, you are. He wouldn't think of any better job for you than defending our country."

"I know that, but I still disappointed him by cheating on Ronnie. He would punish me for doing something stupid like that if he were here."

"Come on, it's seven years from now. I'm pretty sure that he had forgiven you, and so does Veronica."

"I am crossing my fingers for that. Speaking of, have you heard anything from her lately?"

"Nope. Nothing."

"I wonder how she is now..."


"Push harder!" The midwife shouted at Veronica.

She is a week overdue like she couldn't be more patient with everyone in life. This is also why she noticed that Toni is a week overdue before giving birth, considering that she experienced it herself.

"But that's the hardest I could do!" Veronica cried out.

"It's not enough, miss. Nothing's happening!"

"I can't do it anymore!"

"Ronnie, you have to. This will be worth it once you see her," Katy cheered her up.

"I don't know what I was thinking. I am definitely not ready to be a mom," she cried more.

"No one is! But you will, trust me."

She just nods, grips Katy's hand, then successfully pushes as hard as she can. 12 hours later, her beautiful and healthy baby girl was born.

"She's so beautiful, girl."

The baby got Archie's hair color, ginger, and his beautiful smile. While she got Veronica's mesmerizing eyes and sultry lips.

"Just like her father."

"That is why I'll name her after him—Aria."

"Aww, that's perfect. She looks like Aria and I can't think of a better name," Katy smiled.

"You're her godmother, Katy. I've always planned for Betty to be the godmother of my children, but I don't think she's worthy of that now."

"I know that it's sad—what happened between you and Betty, but I'm very honored to be the godmother of Aria. Maybe it's also a way for me to be her godmother because I assure you that this baby will be spoiled in whatever outfit she wants to have from Lacy's.

Veronica chuckled, "I'm so lucky to have you. I wouldn't be able to go through that crazy pregnancy journey without you on my side—from those expensive hospital bills, short notice maternity outfits, false alarms during midnight, and many more. I'm sure this motherhood journey will be crazier but I will conquer it eventually because I have you on my side."

"And I would go through that all over again for your baby number two, Veronica."

Not long after, the nurse knocked on her door, saying that she had a visitor. The visitor walked in and it surprised Veronica.

"Hermosa? How did you know I'm here?"

"As you know, I'm a private investigator"—

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fed up with that line you say every time. Why are you here, then?"

"Didn't know you were really serious about keeping the baby, huh?

"Why not?"

"Well, her father just hurt you..."

"But also the only person who made me feel real joy and love. Why would I let go of the one who will constantly remind me of that?"

"Do you really think you can raise a baby during college?"

"I don't think I can, but I will," Veronica said with puppy eyes, "Besides, you'll be there to help me, right, hermana?

"I'm not gonna promise, but I'll do my best, since I also have another baby now—Reggie."


"Oops, did I say that out loud? What I meant is yes, I'll help you."

"I know you will. Thank you, Hermosa. This means a lot to me," Veronica smiled.

"Anything for my beautiful niece... I'll take her during daytime while you're at school, then I'll give her back once you're home already."

"And in case you still want to party after school, I'll be babysitting her at your house," Katy intervened.

"I'm so lucky to have you, gals. I don't know how to repay you both."

"You don't have to pay me back, Hermanita, just make me her goddaughter," Hermosa initiated.

"I'm sorry, Hermosa, but Ronnie already gave me that position," Katy snapped.

"Well, she is about to take that back, or else, I'll tell Hermione and papi."

"Oh, how rude! But you're not the only one who has lots of connections, you know? I know that you're very secretive to your family about your sex life and I can immediately find out who you're doing it with if I want to, so don't you dare use that "card" to get what you want," Katy got aggressive.

"Then do it. I don't care! All I want, all I need, is Aria!"

"Not if you lose your hair first," Katy pulled her hair.

"Oh, you psychopath. Don't mess with the real bitch," Hermosa pulled her hair back.

And they continue dueling until they both have a higher hairline. Veronica just rolled her eyes for the irrationality her best friend and sister can get because of the ambition to be Aria's godmother.

"Let's get out of here, mija, or we might die as well."


"Uncle Frank, I think I will go now. Jughead, Betty, Veronica, and I made a promise to each other that we will meet at this time of the year at Pop's."

"You'll see her?"


But he never did. In fact, he saw nobody from the Core Four. He arrived there early in the morning while Jughead arrived at night (as we have seen on the show). They missed each other! After long hours of waiting, Archie gets impatient and leaves the diner. Days after, he goes back to the military.

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