Chapter Seven

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A/N: Hey, everyone! I know it's been a while. I just needed some time to focus on school because I am graduating and it is a very crucial year for me, plus I kind of lost motivation on "Riverdale" per se for some reasons (just like the others). But now, I am back, and I am very grateful for you if you will still read this story until now. I truly hope for ya'll to COMMENT your insights about this story because I really need to improve myself, considering that it is the field I will be taking next school year. Thank you, everyone, and please enjoy💜

"And that is how you solve Inflation," Veronica wraps up her class discussion.

"Does Math have to be in Economics, too?" His student complains.

"Yes, Jared, it has to. And before choosing this course, you should've known that. We're freaking discussing the economy of the country, and how can Math not be involved in that? Even in simple statistics, it has Math. So please don't ask me some stupid questions!"

"Woah, woah, woah, I know you're my teacher, but you don't have the right to speak to me like that."

"Yes, Ms. Lodge, that has gotten too far," another student butts in.

"Right, I'm sorry. I'm just dealing with something right now. I know that work and life shouldn't be mixed up, that is why it won't happen again. If you would excuse me," she walks out.

As soon as she steps out of the small, stinky, sweat-smelling classroom, a tiny voice shouts, "Mommy!"

Veronica is in shock. She's now seeing her daughter in Riverdale. Not only that, but she's a hall away from Archie.

"Oh, my goodness, babe, what are you doing here?!" Veronica hugs her daughter, smiling and shaking subtly.

"Wow, that's a great way to greet your daughter. We missed you, too," Hermosa rolls her eyes, walking towards them.

"Hermosa, what on Earth are you doing here? And why did you bring her?!"

"Calm down, hermanita. I just couldn't resist my sobrina. She wants to see you and meet her father for Christmas."

"What? Are you out of your mind?!"

"Do I look like I've lost my mind? You told me that you miss her and you're gonna introduce her to Archie already, so what's wrong with her being here? I just made your job easier.

"Not yet... I couldn't... It's still complicated! He wants Betty and his mother hates me! Just please, hide her from here,"

"Is he working again? Didn't he just got hit by a bomb?!"

"I know.... You know how hardworking and passionate he is in everything he does."

"Yeah, I know. That's why you fall for him, right?" Hermosa teases her sister.

"Shut up. Just please do as I say. Get her away from here."

"Okay, whatever, girlboss," Hermosa rolls her eyes. But as she is about to do it, she finds Aria afar, shouting at some man.

"Hey! I like the color of your hair. Ginger. Like mine," Aria shouts.

A man, still sweaty from coaching the football team, replies back, "Yeah. Redheads are kind of getting extinct by now. We, two, must be lucky" he chuckles.

"Crap," Veronica mumbles.

She runs as fast as she could going to her daughter. She immediately grabs her hand and says, "Let's go."

"Momma, do you know this ginger?"

"We're old friends," looking at Archie. She continues,  "That's it. Now, come with me."

"Momma?" Archie's eyebrows arches.

"Yes. She's my daughter. Now, we have to go," she drags Aria with her.

But Aria resists, saying, "I don't want to go yet. I like him, mom. He looks nice and cool. Maybe we could hang out for a little bit more?"

"Hun, he looks busy, and I'm busy, too. You need to head back home now."

"I just had my last class for the day. I'm not busy anymore. I'm sure that I could spare time for... this young lady."

"I'm Ar"- Aria was about to introduce herself but someone did it for her instead.

"Valentine. She's Valentine," Veronica says.

"That's my second name. No one calls me that!" Aria whispers

"Well, that's what we'll call you now."

"Why? It's pretty ugly."

"So people will know that you're mine considering we're both V."

"Sorry for my mom's attitude, ginger. I know, it's pretty annoying, so I am just gonna comply to avoid hearing her annoying voice. See you soon!" Aria bids her goodbye.

"Goodbye, Valentine. I'm looking forward to hanging out with a smart kid like you. I'm pretty sure you could teach me more about life than I will to you," Archie chuckles.

The two ladies, along with Hermosa, make their way to the gate and Archie is still in shock with the news that her ex, aka most loved woman is now a mom. But he is very amazed at the child she made as "Valentine" is very smart, confident, and sophisticated—just like Veronica.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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