Chapter Six

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"Ronnie," Archie mumbles as she sees her walking towards him.

"Oh, my gosh, you remember her!" Cheryl widens her smile.

"Why wouldn't I?" Archie asks, confused.

"Well, you know, it is a thing in movies where the person that has been in a coma for a long time doesn't remember anyone when they wake up," Cheryl explains.

"I appreciate your concern, Cheryl, but you're ruining our moment. If you would be so kind, please step outside for a while."

"Ugh! Such a mom," Cheryl rolls her eyes, stepping outside.

"Hey, how are you? I missed you so much. I was so worried something worse is gonna happen to you," Veronica hugs him, tears rolling her eyes.

"I'm fine now, thanks to you. The doctor informed me that you're the one who stayed here with me and took care of me while I'm unconscious," Archie smiles.

"That's nothing, Archiekins. You're not a stranger to me, after all."

"Do you also know how Betty's doing?"

"Yeah. She's stable, but still unconscious."

"I'm gonna visit her then."

"Uh, could you please stay with me for a minute?" Veronica stops her, thinking that now is the perfect timing to drop the bomb. "I just have something important to tell you."

"Okay, sure, what is it?"

But Veronica realizes that Archie just woke up. Dropping another bomb after being exploded by a bomb is not healthy for him, so she decides to postpone the big revelation for now.

"Oh, it's just that Reggie is being ridiculous, telling me over and over again that I could never be into him more than I did to you. Will you please reassure him that we already broke up and nothing's going on between us anymore?"

"Of course if that will make your relationship happier."

A few minutes later, Veronica assists Archie to go to Betty's room. And there, he tells his message to her.

"Hey, Betty. I'm sorry that you're going through this right now. If I could trade being conscious to you, I would, just for you not to suffer more. After all, this is all my fault. It happened to my house and I didn't see it coming. I wasn't able to protect you and I'm so sorry. Don't worry, after you wake up, we will spend our time together like there is no tomorrow. I love you."

Those three words made Veronica's heart shatter. It made her dream for the three of them impossible now.

"Um, if you're done, maybe we should go back to your room now because you need to rest."

"Yeah, okay, thanks," Veronica assists him going back.

When they come back, another redhead and a nurse surprises Veronica.

"Oh, my goodness, Archie, I'm so happy you're awake," Mary hugs his son.

"Well, I got the world's best doctor, he looks at Veronica.

"Veronica? What are you doing here?!" Mary asks furiously.

"Uhm, I"- Veronica doesn't know what to say to her. She knows that she's mad at her and she just wants to run away.

"She's the one who took care of me, mom," Archie defends her.

"Nurse, how the hell did this woman enter Archie's room? Didn't I specifically tell you not to accept any visits other than family, especially from a Lodge?"
"Miss, you have to calm down. She claimed to be the patient's half-sister and she said that her name is 'Veronica Gekko'—not Lodge," the nurse responds.

"Well, none of it is true and his father just tried to kill my son! You should have contacted me before letting anyone else in his room!" Mary shouts, whaling.

"Mom, we don't know that for sure yet."

"I do. He admitted that to me yesterday. Your mom's right, I should go."

"No, Ronnie. I've known you for so long and I know that you are nothing like your father. You will never harm me," Archie grips his hand.

"Don't wait for me to," she lets go.

A/N: Hi y'all. Advanced Happy Valentine's! I'm hoping that you have a date tomorrow so you won't be bitter like Mary here lmao. Anyways, sorry if I update just once a week and the recent updates are shorter than usual. It's just that I'm VERY busy with school. Hope that you understand and will be with me until the end of this AU <333

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