Chapter 3

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-Alyssa's pov-
Once Loke helped with everything I was going to make him something to eat and a cake so he could take it back to our friends, but as we arrived to the kitchen we heard talking till I saw Loki, Thor, Steve, Pietro, Dad and Bucky. Wanda and Natasha went and joined them but Loke nudged me and said, "it's ok you can cook for me next time." I told him I was fine and I took his hand leading him to the kitchen island, he sat down while I got some ingredients and started cooking my famous pork chops sterr fry.

-Loke's pov-
I could feel a few glared and eyes on me but I saw Icy was more on edge when I said, "So how's your training go Icy." She smiled as she was putting the pan in for the cake and said, "it's going good strength wise still unbeatable, and we'll the other thing still unstoppable. H-how's everyone and Laxus?" This made me look down and said, "Everyone is doing good misses you like crazy, Gramps says he's ok but I can he's not. And Laxus he....he's not the same since you left."

-Tony's pov-
I knew Alyssa was breaking on the inside from hearing this info but I glared and stood up when Steve said, "Than why not go back to your buddies and not here." But before I could shout at him something g was thrown past him and I saw an icy dagger, I froze but we heard, "Alyssa enough he's not worth getting worked up on ok how about we go train with your powers for a little."

-Steve's pov-
I asked what powers growing more suspicious of her when the kid got up and his outfit changed to gold armor but he glared at me and said, "none of your concern human, Alyssa let's go."

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