Chapter 4 Inviting the Maid of Honor

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"Stella, do you really think that this is a good idea?" I whispered to my little sister while we were in front of Jen's apartment. "If we tell her the truth, don't you think that she will freak out?"

"If you want her to become your maid of honor, then you have no choice but to tell her the truth. Rose, you can't exactly kidnap her and voodoo her vision so she would see everything as normal during your wedding." Stella meant for it as a joke, but when she saw the suggestive look I was giving her, she frowned. "Rose, no, please. We can't do that." She whined.

"I know we can't. But maybe Fred can cook up some magic to make it work that way?" I gave her a hopeful smile, but she returned it with a leer. "Alright, fine. I will do it that normal way even though we're not normal in the first place."

Since when did this did kid become the boss of me!? I thought I was the eldest!

I began knocking on Jen's apartment door and waited for her to respond. When I opened it, I saw that she was still in her pajamas and appeared to have just awoken from her sleep. Jen yawned and rubbed her eyes. When she saw us, she gasped.

"Rose? Stella?"

"Hello, Jen. I would love to say good morning, but it's already noon. Did you seriously just woke up?" I questioned her.

"Rose, it's the weekend. What kind of crazy person will wake up early on the weekend?"

I answered her by pointing to my sister. "This one right here." Stella frowned and gripped my finger tightly and bent it in another direction. I pulled my hand away after howling in pain. "Ow! Okay, I'm sorry." I whimpered.

Jen laughed. "Come in, you two. Make yourselves at home while I go and brush my teeth."

She extended her door widely for us to enter. It has been a while since I got into a modern home that everything seemed to...nice. It was a pleasant look in my eyes and something that reminded me that I was no longer a part of this world.

She has a regular-sized apartment with a small living room, a bathroom, and a bedroom. Stella and I sat on her L-shaped couch as we waited for Jen to finish brushing her teeth.

"Look," I whispered to Stella and pointed at the black rectangular device before us. "A television!"

"Rose, cut it out!" She whispered. "Don't be weird."

"But it's been a while since I have seen one. I wonder if that zombie series that I used to watch is still ongoing?"

Stella slumped on her seat and covered her face as she sighed. At that moment, Jen finished brushing her teeth and started moving towards us. "So, Rose, are you still living with your boyfriend, whom I never met before?"

I can't believe that the topic flew right into that. It was the perfect opportunity for me to ask her to become my bridesmaid.

I began to open my mouth, but Jen suddenly threw herself on a loveseat. "When will you introduce him to me anyway? Your best friend?" She was eyeing me suspiciously. "Seriously, not even a picture. All you do is tell me that he's handsome, rich, and talented he is. I would love to believe you, I really do. But I don't think those types of guys exist. I mean, what are you? The main character of a story that you're gifted with such a man?" She said and began to cackle.

Stella chimed along with her, "If it was, I bet the title would be 'My Crazy Boyfriend and I.'" She joked.

Jen stopped laughing while she stared at Stella before turning her gaze towards me. "You have a crazy boyfriend?" She gasped and rose to her feet. Jen loomed over me and started gripping my shoulders. "Rose, tell me the truth, is he abusive? Is he hurting you in any way? Is he forcing you to do something that you don't like?" Her face got closer every time she asked me a question.

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