Chapter 5🖤

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Sorry for any mistakes💕


Jade POV:

I was on my way to Denise house this morning to pick up Mitch. I knocked and Denise opens the door. She looks at me and walks off.

I walk in following her into the kitchen where Denise was and find her sitting down drinking out her black coffee cup.

Jade: "where is Mitch?"

Denise: "sleep"

She pops the "p"

I just stood there with my arms crossed, looking down at her.

Jade: "what's the matter?"

Denise: "why you think something's wrong"

Denise notice the annoyed look on my face which causes her to roll her eyes. I walk over grabbing her arm pulling her up and putting her against the fridge roughly but gently.

Jade: "the attitude got to go?"

Denise: "I don't have an attitude Jade"

I didn't reply I just stared at her as she did me but she broke the eye contact by looking at my lips.

Denise: "you know mitch was up all night waiting on you, while you was fucking that girl"

I closed up the little bit of space that we had by leaning in

Jade: "if you're jealous then just say that"

Denise: "I'm not jealous cause I can fuck whoever-"

I cut her off by smashing my lips into hers roughly. Once she moaned I backed up

Jade: "you're mine Denise and I didn't fuck her"

Denise didn't say anything she just stares at me biting her lip. I smirked at the fact that I could tell she was a bit turned on.

I walk off leaving her there. I go in her room waking Mitch up.

Mitch: "ma?"

Jade: "baby girl get up"

Mitch jumps up and reaches out for me. I pick her up and carry her into the kitchen, finding Denise standing in the same spot as before.

Jade: "tell Denise bye"

Mitch: "by dee"

Denise: "uh bye Mitch"

Denise gives her a small peck on the cheek and then looks at me. I give her a smile before walking out the house.

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