Chapter 7🖤

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sorry for any mistakes 💕


Jade POV:

Denise: "Jade?"

Jade: "uh yeah"

She walked out and closed the door.

Jade: "why are you acting so weird?"

I was really worried, first she don't talk to me all day then now she doing this.

Jade: "are you okay?"

Denise: "no, my mom is here?"

Jade: "your mom?"

Denise: "yes and you have to go"

Jade: "why?"

Denise: "Jade plea-"

The door flew open revealing a short girl. I couldn't read her face but she was either shocked or confused, or even both. I look over at Denise seeing her with her hand to her face.

Denise: "Jade this is Stacie"

She mumbled

Stacie: "you're pretty"

Jade: "thank you"

Denise: "ugh Stacie you're so weird"

Denise pulls her out and closes the door back.

Jade: "Stacie... can you tell me why she's been weird all day?"

Stacie: "I can't tell you why she has all day but as of right now, she's acting this way because you're definitely more than a friend and her homophobic mother is in the house"

I look at Denise, seeing her mouth open, then she laughs.

Denise: "she's just a friend Stacie"

Jade: "yeah"

Stacie: "not how you dragged me out this house she's not"

Denise: "Stacie mind yours and Jade don't you have somewhere to be?"

I was a little hurt how she was acting but like she said we're just friends and she's right.

Jade: "yea I do and nice meeting you Stacie"

Stacie: "nice meeting you too, let me go check on mother"

Stacie goes back in leaving the two of us alone.

Denise: "Jade"

Denise grabs my hand but I snatch away. She tears up but shit why is she crying.

Jade: "don't touch me"

Denise: "what's wrong now!"

Jade: "why are you treating me like shit!"

Denise just stares at me with tears rolling down her cheek.

Denise: "I don't know, I panicked and I'm sorry okay"

Jade: "yeah okay"

Denise: "I'm sorry Jade!"

I tried to walk away but she yanks me back by my wrist.

Jade: "you literally said we were just friends"

Denise: "that's why you're mad!"

Jade: "no I'm hurt!"

I snatched away from her and storm back to my car. She stood there with tears and I drove off.

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