Chapter 2

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                "I don't like this, Wyatt. This isn't our fight,"
               "Fighting nonhuman forces of evil? Sounds like our fight to me. Besides, you seemed up to it when you saw the way Daisy was looking at you," Wyatt smirked.
               Coulson was giving them an official tour of the SHIELD base. They walked down the brick hallway, dimly lit by several swinging lights, and peered into the windows looking into other rooms. They passed by the lab first where Simmons was bent over a test tube, hip to hip with a man with short cut blond-brown hair and stubble. "Fitz-Simmons," Coulson announced, "We call them that because they're best friends, practically inseparable. Leo Fitz is our resident engineer. He went to the academy with Jemma; you've met her."
              They passed by a training room, filled with weights, punching bags, and a large open space covered with mats. Two women were sparring, the Asian woman from the alley and Daisy, her brown and blond curls bouncing across her shoulders. "That's Melinda May, one of our more seasoned agents. I wouldn't get on her bad side. You've met Daisy of course," as Coulson said it, Daisy uncurled one of her balled fists to wave at them.
             Chris waved a little too enthusiastically, and Wyatt elbowed him in the ribs. The wave also didn't escape Coulson's notice.
             The trio reentered the common room, where the stairs to Coulson's office were located. The room was decked out with a long table, couches and chairs and a small kitchen. Three people were standing at the island. "This is Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter, and Alphonso Mackenzie, Mack as we call him."
             Suddenly, Leo Fitz rushed in, holding up an iPad. He had a very distinct Scottish accent, "Sir, our radar picked up a large group of Inhumans causing trouble in St. Louis. Law enforcement's moving in and they have orders to shoot on sight."
             Coulson stormed off, ordering, "Okay, everyone suit up. Wheels up in ten!"
             Bobbi Morse smirked at Wyatt and Chris, "Looks like you boys are getting your chance in the field sooner than we think."
             Ten minutes later, Wyatt and Chris found themselves strapped into a quinjet. Daisy Johnson passed, tightening the sleeves on her leather jumpsuit. She smiled, locking eyes with Chris, "You boys ready for this!?"
             Chris grinned, "Very."
             Daisy took a seat across from them. Fitz and Lincoln sat on her right and left, Melinda May and Mack sat beside Wyatt, and Bobbi and Lance Hunter sat beside Chris.
             Soon, the quinjet hovered over the abandoned office building in downtown St. Louis. All the agents started strapping into parachutes. "Wyatt, you're with Bobbi, Hunter, and I," May was ordering, "Chris, you'll be with Daisy, Lincoln, and Mack."
            "I'll come with May's team to try to disrupt the SWATs radio signal," Fitz added. He turned to hand Wyatt and Chris parachutes, but they had already orbed down, "Oh...they just"
           Chris followed Daisy, Lincoln, and Mack down the dark stairwell to the bottom floor where they would work their way up as the other team worked their way down. Daisy strode forward down the first hallway, throwing several SWAT members to the ground with her powers. Beside Chris, Lincoln kicked in a door. The room inside lit up with a vibrating blue light. Lightening streamed from Lincoln's hands, putting the soldiers inside out of commission. There were two bodies on the floor with bullet holes in their heads.
           "Inhumans," Lincoln confirmed, rage in his voice.
          Mack nodded, sympathetically, then crossed to the next door, "Chris and I have this room."
          He lifted his leg to kick in the door, but Chris flicked his wrist and the lock clicked out of place. "What is with you people and kicking in doors?" he questioned, stepping cooly inside.
         There were two SWAT members inside, cornering a very alive Inhuman woman. Chris snapped ones neck and Mack shot the other with his pistol. He turned to the Inhuman, "Are you alright?"
         But she had already reached him and thrown him against the wall. She turned on Chris, lifting her fist, but he had already raised his hand, holding her arm back. She shook with the effort of trying to free herself. "We're just trying to help you," Chris said, as gently as he could, seeing as comfort wasn't his strong suit, "These people only want to hurt you because they don't understand."
         "That's not why," she ripped herself from his grasp and lunged at him. But Chris was already orbing out of her path.
         "I'm really sorry about this," he said, reappearing behind her. He drew a stapler to his palm and struck her in the head.
         "What the hell was that?" Mack asked, gazing at Chris coldly.

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