Chapter 6

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                "Boy, you two are a lively pair," Daisy droned into the awkward silence. Chris and Lincoln paced on either side of the control room, every now and then stealing scathing glares at each other. When neither responded to her jab, Daisy rolled her eyes.
                  The next stretch of silence was quickly broken by running feet and shouts. Daisy checked the security cameras, "They're coming down the west stairwell."
                  "I'll head them off," Lincoln raced out the door closest to him.
                   Not a minute passed before more shouts came from the door on the other end of the room, followed by the door handle turning. Chris threw up a hand, holding the door closed with his magic, but the person on the other side was pushing with all their might. With a yelp, Chris threw up his other hand. His converse squeaked on the floor as he was forced backwards. Suddenly, Daisy cried, "Got 'em! Let's go!"
                   Chris let go and the door banged open. Hydra soldiers raced in but the two had already vanished.
                   They reappeared in a long hallway filled with doors. "You start at one end, I'll start at the other," Daisy took of running. Soon Chris heard shouts and the hallway shook with Daisys power. Evidently she had company.
                    And so did he.
                    Chris turned just as a bullet hurdled at him. He orbed just in time and when he rematerialized, he found himself facing Giyera, a gun floating in front of him and a surprised and angry look on his face, "I knew you weren't one of us. What are you?!"
                     "Wouldn't you like to know," Chris threw the Inhuman a good few feet, following him into a room at the end of the hallway. Before he could move again, Giyera had thrown some crates from against the wall. Chris orbed through them, but before he could regain his bearings, a table came flying from the other direction, throwing him against the wall. Chris crumpled onto the floor, as Giyera towered over him.
                     "I may never know what you are, but I've already guessed your weakness. You can't phase and use your telekinesis at the same time. What a deadly mistake,"
                     He was calling the gun back to him, Chris desperately pushing himself back up. "I know your weakness too," said the Halliwell.
                    "You can't move people, can you?" he seized Giyera by the throat and lifted him off his feet, "Lucky I can."
                    He shook with the effort after that last blow, but with a cry of exertion, he threw Giyera against the wall, knocking the Inhuman unconscious.
                   "So Wards not going anywhere?" Chris asked.
                   "At least not for now," Simmons replied, "He's under twenty-four hour serveillance and—Hey!"
                   The rest of the room erupted in cheers as Mac and Hunter appeared with a small harvest of alcohol. They thunked their loads down on the island victoriously.
                   Chris stood watching and waiting patiently for his chance to seize a beverage, when a voice said behind him, "To a job well done?"
                   He turned to see Daisy had procured two beers and handed one to him. "To a job well done," he repeated, clinking his bottle against hers. They held each other's gaze for a long moment before Lincoln swooped in next to them, "I'm impressed, Halliwell. You didn't do too shabby."
                  "Good enough to be an honorary Inhuman?"
                  "No," both Inhumans said at the same time.
                  "But I'm sure you're welcome to stay on as an agent," Daisy said.
                  "Eh, I'm a better witch and angel than a spy I think. Besides I think Coulson still doesn't like me very much,"
                  "That's not true," said a voice behind Daisy and Lincoln. All eyes turned to Coulson and the room fell to quiet. The director approached Chris, "I...uh...I owe you an apology, Halliwell. That was some good work out there and we'd be happy to have you here at SHIELD—Wyatt too of course."
                The elder Halliwell grinned, coming to stand next to his brother. "Thank you, sir," Chris said, "And don't worry about it. It wouldn't be the first time someones gotten a bad impression from me and it certainly won't be the last. Side affect of these devilish good looks."
                 "We do need to be going though," Wyatt chimed in, "Like Chris said, we're made for something else."
                 "Let us know if you ever need some magical assistance though," Chris said, winking at Daisy, who just laughed and shook her head.
                 "Do you need us to drop you off somewhere?" Fitz asked.
                 "Nah, we're good. See you all around," Wyatt said, before they both orbed out.
                 "Ah, right, teleporting," Fitz muttered.
                 And just like that, the Halliwells had vanished from the SHIELD base.

And that is the end of Part 1! Part 2 coming soon! Thanks for reading!

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