Chapter 2

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                       "Chris, slow down," May ordered, sternly.
                      "I'm a witch and Whitelighter. I think I'll be fine," he snapped back as he turned another corner.
                      "I don't care. You don't know what we're walking into,"
                      "I'm just completing the mission—"
                      "No," suddenly, May turned and pinned him against the wall, "You're being a lovesick dumbass! You know, Daisys not exactly available."
                      "Damn, easy, Mama Bear. I'm all too aware. How is lightening boy anyway? I didn't see him around,"
                      After a moment, May reluctantly released him and they kept walking, "Not great. He's quarantined. He rushed into a situation trying to save Daisy—much like you're doing—and got...I don't know what Simmons calls it. His immune system is destroyed basically. But—"
                      She was cut off by three Hydra goons surging at them. Chris threw one with his magic, but not before the other reached May. As Chris was dragging him off her, three more reached the scene. Outnumbered, it wasn't long before May was knocked unconscious and Chris was beaten to the ground. They were both dragged through the hallways to a larger, more crowded room.
                       Before he knew what was happening, Chris was dropped onto the concrete floor at the feet of a well dressed man. He gazed up at his face and started. It really was Grant Ward.
                       But his former enemy's face softened with recognition as Chris scrambled to his feet, "'s been a while."
                       "Ward?" Chris breathed, confusion trickling in.
                       He gave a half-smile, "More or less. I've been through a lot since we last saw each other. I know we didn't end on a good note last time...How's your brother?"
                        "Chris, it's a trick!" May garbled from the ground as she came too, "He's really Hive! He just—"
                        She was cut off as the man next to her kicked her in the stomach.
                        Ward held out a hand, "Leave her be."
                        Chris' blood turned cold as he saw the difference. This Ward was too eerily serene. A grin tugged at his lips like he knew something Chris didn't. "She's right," he murmured, "You're not Ward, are you?"
                        Hive dropped the act and any trace of Grant Ward seemed to fall away, "Well, no. I'm better. Daisy tells me you are immune to Terogenesis. I'm very curious how that could be."
                       Chris shrugged, "Good genes, I guess. Want a demonstration?"
                       He threw up a hand, but Hive budged a mere inch with a annoyed grunt, "Telekinesis, I see. Like I said, I'm better than Ward, so you're little magic trick won't work on me."
                      Chris smirked, "Good thing I'm just the distraction then."
                      As he spoke, a shower of orbs touched down behind Hive and the tip of Excalibur was thrust out his chest. Chris and Wyatt exchanged triumphant grins, but no one made a move on the man who seemed to have killed their leader.
                    Because Hive wasn't very dead.
                    The creature stepped forward, sliding off Excalibur and side-eyed Wyatt, "That was rude."
                     The brothers watched as the hole in his chest closed up. Hive nodded to Wyatt, "Wyatt, right?" he slowly stepped towards him, "Grant Ward really hated you..."
                     Wyatt swung Excalibur, but Hive ducked easily, not breaking stride, "...some alpha male thing—I'll never understand humans and their petty ways."
                     "I'm not human," Wyatt grimaced, driving Excalibur into him again. This time Hive lurched forward and grabbed Wyatt around the throat and lifting him off his feet, his grip on Excalibur slipping.
                     "I know," Hive mused, drawing the sword from his abdomen like he was fixing a wrinkle in his clothing, "I can sense it. But what are you?"
                     "Wouldn't you like to know," Wyatt grimaced, orbing out and bringing Hive with him. The room exploded into chaos as the henchman panicked without their leader. Chris threw the ones nearest him and raced to May's side, grabbed her hand and also orbed out.
        They rematerialized in a room with Coulson, Wyatt, and Hive—trapped in a circle of glowing white crystals. The alien still didn't seem distressed. He poked at the air, only starting slightly when he was shocked.
        "Yeah, you're not going anywhere," Coulson said, "These crystals have held bigger bads than you."
        "Not for long," Hive squinted.
        "Well, you can make this short and sweet and release Daisy and the others," Chris said.
        "Release them? I've freed them," Hive said, "Surely, the two of you would understand the value of freedom. Chris—free from your fathers disappointed gaze, Wyatt—free from the burden of glorious destiny."
         "Don't listen, boys," May grimaced.
         "Don't worry, we're not," Wyatt said, stopping to pick up a crystal before slamming it down again.
          Hive cried out in pain. Meanwhile, Coulson cocked his head to one side, "You never mentioned that feature."
          "I'll say it again," Chris said, levelly, but a muscle ticked in his jaw, "Release Daisy and the other Inhumans."
           "Your threats are meaningless, human—or whatever you are," Hive said, no trace of pain or even the memory of it left on his face.
             Wyatt slammed down the crystal again. This time, Hive grit his teeth and clenched his fists, not crying out. Still when the shocking subsided, he only said, "Your attempts to break me are futile. I care for the Inhumans with me and they care for me. We are unified under a common goal and to release them would be to abandon them."
Wyatt scoffed, "You're joking, right? Well, maybe some time alone with change your mind. Come on, guys."
The Halliwells headed for the door, but May hesitated, "Is it a good idea to leave him here unattended?"
"We'll watch him from the cameras and this room is guarded 24/7," Coulson said.
"Besides, he's not going anywhere," Chris added, "Let a little time in the dark and quiet loosen his tongue."

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