Chapter 5

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                  "I can't believe this!" Daisy cried as the team stood in the trashed and a abandoned base again.
"I can," Coulson grumbled, "I should have known that Chris—"
"That he'd what?!" Wyatt snapped. He stormed up to Coulson, getting very close to the older man, "Watch how you speak of my brother in front of me."
The director didn't flinch, "Your brother tricked Fitz and Simmons into freeing him and then went running back to Hydra. How else should I speak of him than as a traitor?"
"Chris would never. I know him. He has some sort of plan,"
Coulson shrugged, "I don't doubt that, but are you sure it's in our favor?"
Wyatt went back to the notebook he had laid out on the table, "I know it is."
"I wish I had your confidence in him," Coulson said, but Daisy came to stand by Wyatt.
"What do you think he's planning? Shouldn't he let us know somehow? We can help,"
"Chris isn't great at asking for help," Wyatt admitted, "but I'm hoping he'll give me some kind of sign or I can get the same idea he had."
He gestured to the book. "What is that?" Daisy asked.
Wyatt grinned, "We call it Book of Shadows 2. The most useful potions, spells, and information from our family Book of Shadows. But nothings been left or bookmarked or—that's odd."
"What's odd? Coulson asked, interest piqued.
"A page has been torn out,"
"What was on it?"
Wyatt shrugged, pointing to the opposite page, "Nothing. This is the last page. Unless..."
Coulson was sold, "Find it!"
The team scrambled across the base until Simmons screamed, "Found it!"
They all convened in the common space by the couches. Simmons held up a notebook page, "It was in a magazine, but it's nonsense."
She handed it to Wyatt who grinned, "It isn't. Chris wanted to make sure only I could figure it out."
He dropped the page and rushed to the fridge. "Never too much?" Coulson read.
Wyatt held up a tub of butter, "You can never have too much butter. That's what our mom told us—which of course, when it comes to heart disease—"
"Just open it!" everyone cried.
"Right, sorry," Wyatt tore off the lid and drew out another sheet of paper, folded to fit. After glancing at it, he handed it to Coulson with a triumphant smile, "There you go."
"He got the coordinates," the director said, disbelievingly, "Not only that he got Hydras plans too. 'Torturing hostages until they spill Come ASAP.'"
Wyatt grinned, "What are we waiting for? Show me where to aim."

"Maybe I'll give you a turn," Ward mused, "I would love to see what your ability can do to loosen these do-gooders' tongues."
He and Chris had been watching the torture for the last few minutes with no results. Chris was trying to hide the fact that his stomach was turning. Come on, Wyatt. Hurry!
As if reading his thoughts, shouts sounded outside the door to the control room, followed by gunshots, then silence. Ward and Chris jumped to their feet in time for the door to fly open and Wyatt to storm in, holding an already bloodied Excalibur. "You again!?" Ward cried. This time he nudged Chris forward, "This is your chance, Christopher! Get your revenge! Get your closure!"
"With pleasure," Chris picked up Wards gun from the table they were sitting at.
Wyatt looked genuinely confused, "
Chris threw his brother back into the door he had just come from, knocking the sword from his hand. Both Chris and Ward stalked up to the older Halliwell. "You murdered my love," Chris punched him, "You think I can just forgive that? You need to suffer as she did."
"Chris, Ward has warped your mind. Don't listen to him!"
"You're wrong," another punch, "Ward listens to me. He's more of a brother to me than you ever were. And Hydra will give me the power that being a Halliwell never did!"
"Power!? Is that all you want?"
Chris raised the gun to Wyatt's chest. "Do it, Christopher," Ward sneered.
Chris grinned, menacingly, before turning the gun on Ward and pulling the trigger.
"WHAT?!" the bullet entered his stomach and the force knocked him to the ground.
"First of all, no one calls me Christopher," Chris towered over Ward, pointing the gun still, "Second of all, no one messes with my family," he turned to Wyatt, "You got it?"
Wyatt pulled a piece of paper from his back pocket and unfolded it, "Right here. Thanks for leaving me the work of rewriting it."
"You are better at spells than I am," Chris kept an eye on Ward as he and Wyatt began chanting.
"Powers of SHIELD arrive, Course unseen across the skies, Come to us, to give us aid, Come to us, be not afraid,"
"What is this?!" Ward cried as the room was flooded with orbs and the agents appeared one by one, "Are you some kind of demons?"
"Quite the opposite actually," Wyatt said.
"Try angel," Chris shrugged, "Well, and half-witch on our mother's side."
"This is impossible! You're not an Inhuman?!"
"Nope, and I'm not still angry with Wyatt either," he turned to his brother as the orbing finished, "When did you catch on by the way?"
"Around 'WaRd listEns tO mE," Wyatt massaged his jaw, "But did you really have to hit me?"
"Did you have to make the spell so cheesy?"
"Hey, it worked, didn't it? And you're lucky I didn't have to use a potion—"
"Enough chitchat, lovebirds," Daisy interrupted, "Where are these hostages?"
Chris pointed at the screens he and Ward had been watching, but the rooms they looked into were empty, "Wait, where are they?"
That's when Ward starting chuckling, "You shouldn't have lied to me, Christopher."
His laughter was broken only momentarily by Chris kicking him in the face. Wyatt seized his little brother and held him back as Chris snapped, "What did you do?!"
Ward held up a cell phone he had kept hidden, the screen smeared with blood from his fingertips. He gave them a foul grin, teeth and gums coated in blood, "By the time you find them, they'll be dead."
Chris ripped the phone from his grip as Coulson ordered, "Wyatt, get Fitz and Simmons back to base with Ward and patch him up. Daisy—"
"I think I can track the message," she finished, taking the phone from Chris, "But it'll take time."
"Do it. The rest of us will fan out and start covering ground,"
"I should stay here to cover Daisy," Chris and Lincoln said at the same time.
"Wyatt, it's okay. We need to work as a team, right? Halliwell's stick together. I got your back and I know you got mine, just, I'll be here,"
"Right, just be careful," Wyatt rolled his eyes, knowing that was the closest to an apology he was gonna get.
"You too," the boys grasped hands and thumped each other on the back.
When they let go, Wyatt offered a clenched fist, "Power of two?"
Rolling his eyes, Chris sighed and bumped knuckles with his brother, "Power of two."

Agents of Charmedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें