Early Morning Surprise

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A/N: Hello dear birdies. This is a story I had completed on the forum ages ago, but decided to re-post for your enjoyment. It's amazing where your mind goes when you're stuck in the house with powdery white fuckery for weeks ;)

Disclaimer: All rights and characters based on CL Stone's Academy Ghost Bird and Scarab Beetle Series belong to her alone. I am not in any way attempting to make a profit from this fiction.

Snow Day

Snow in South Carolina was like a heat wave in Alaska - it never happened. So why was there a foot of snow outside my window? I jumped out of the bed causing Nathan to stir and roll over on his stomach. Before he could wrestle me back to bed, I was down the stairs. I threw open the door to find the snow perfectly stacked. I touched it with my finger to see if it would topple over at my touch, but it stayed in tack. The snow was coming down in sheets and only when a strong gust of wind stung my bare skin did I remember my red shorts, gray cami and fluffy socks were not suited for the weather.

"Peanut?" I quickly closed the door and scrambled to the kitchen. I skidded to a halt nearly knocking over Nathan.

"Hi honey," I smiled.

"Peanut what are you doing?" he yawned, wrapping his arms around my waist. I bit my lip subconsciously.

He playfully smacked my thigh, "No biting." I giggled then took a nip at his collarbone. I had finally gotten comfortable with the guys and stopped running from their physical affection. After seven steamy make out sessions, I would be a loon if I didn't. Dr. Green and Mr. Blackbourne were still teachers at Ashley Waters and if a member of the staff let alone Mr. Hendricks walked in on us tangled up on top of the desk...it would be problematic.

Nathan bit my top lip then sucked on my bottom gently, "Come back to bed." He pressed up against my chest making me shiver. He was only in red basketball shorts that did nothing to hide his morning wood from view. His hair was a tousled mess on his head and his stubble tickled my cheek. My fingers traced his abs then lightly down his happy trail revelling in how deep his breathing was getting. I loved this new power my touch had on them.

"Sang..." he growled. I felt my feet lifted from the floor with one arm supporting my back and the other under my legs. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. I was confused when he walked to the kitchen instead of up the stairs to my room. He deposited me on the counter and stood in between my legs. His hands returned to my waist. I traced his mouth with one finger and giggled when he bit it.

He smacked my thigh. "No giggling, Peanut." He pinned both hands to the counter and kissed me fiercely. I groaned and rested back on my elbows. He parted my legs further and pressed against my pelvis. He was trying to undo me.

Nathan grabbed both of my legs, promptly lifted them in the air and yanked off my shorts. The cool counter top was a direct contrast to burning heat our bodies were emiting.

My honey's blue eyes lit up. "Holy shit Peanut. You're so damn hot."

I instinctively blushed, but thought better of it. I cupped my hands over his ear, "I didn't wear any."

The intensity in his eyes returned. He grabbed the center of the cami and tore a slit down the center. Gabe was going to kill him. Both of my nipples stood at attention waiting for my Honey to twist and tease. I reached for the waistband of his shorts, but was promptly distracted by one long finger swirling inside my wetness. "Oh Honey..." I gasped, arching my back. His tongue was dancing across both my breasts while that one finger dipped and slipped around my insides.

"Oh God Sang, you're so wet," Nathan said through clenched teeth. Another finger joined the previous one. I knew there was a small pool on the countertop that at this rate would only continue to grow. I wrapped my fist at his shorts and yanked them down. I was ready for a longer replacement and my Honey had plenty to spare.

I scooted further on the counter to get closer to him. "Honey I need more."

"If that's what you want, Peanut," he replied. It was beyond what I wanted, it's what I craved.

He smacked my right thigh, "Lay back and lift your leg up." I rested back against the counter and propped myself up on my elbows. I was breathing hard. He had to hear how loud my heart was beating. I raised one leg up to rest on his shoulder, but had to lift my butt to reach him.

He held onto my chin, running one finger down my cheek then thrust all the way inside of me.

"Nathan!" I screamed. With my leg over his shoulder, he found a different spot of pleasure that made my head woozy. I had to clench my walls tighter so he wouldn't slide out. I dug my nails into his arms to steady myself. I almost cursed when he threw the other leg over his shoulder so my entire back was arched off the counter. If I could have screamed louder I would. Damn that vinegar.

"More!" was the best I could manage. Nathan grabbed both ankles and spread my legs apart. My whole body shook. I was panting throwing my hands wildly needing something to hold onto. He pinned both arms to the counter and planted kiss after kiss on my lips, my collarbone, my breasts then bit gently on the sensitive skin at the nape of my neck.

The stimulation was overwhelming. His pace never wavered and I thrust my hips up to meet him thrust for thrust. "Shit Sang..." he groaned, his tongue tangling with mine. I broke his grip on my wrists to run my hands through his already messy hair.

The pressure below was reaching a crescendo. I couldn't get any wetter or tighter. "Honey...I'm...I'm" but the words never came out of my mouth. I exploded around him screaming and moaning his name.

Nathan pinned my arms back above my head. I loved his face when he came. He gritted his teeth trying to not lose all control. Beautiful blue eyes locked on my bright green ones. Locks of reddish brown hair stuck to his forehead. His breathing ragged and irregular. My legs dropped to the counter and he collapsed on top of my body. I'm so glad Sean decided to put me on the pill. My Honey could lay in me as long as he needed.

"Peanut, you are beautiful," he whispered.

I grinned, "And you are amazing too, Honey." I heard the sound of shovels and knew the boys were here to dig us out.

"Alone time is over," he sighed, pulling out.

I slid down off the counter and almost fell over. We both erupted into a fit of giggles. Neither of us could walk properly. Nathan situated his shorts back over his waist and grinned. I ran behind him when the door swung open.

Dr. Green poked his head in first, "Owen, I figured out why neither of them is answering their phones. And Pookie no matter how tall Nathan is you can never hide from us." He winked at me and disappeared from the kitchen.

I was blushing furiously and practically cowered behind Nathan when Mr. Blackbourne marched into the kitchen. He raised an eyebrow then did perhaps the strangest thing I had ever seen. He took off his coat, unbuttoned his shirt and held it out for me. "Miss Sorenson, I think you may be more comfortable when the guys come from outside in this. I think they're almost done. Mr. Griffin I suggest cleaning the kitchen. We are going to be cooking in here soon."

Nathan opened his mouth then closed it, but did as he was told. I walked gingerly over to Mr. Blackbourne incredibly embarrassed to be as naked as the day I was born in front of him. He laughed, "You have nothing to be embarrassed about Miss Sorenson." I slipped my arms in his shirt and inhaled the familiar spring scent. I went to button the shirt when he spun me around and did the buttons for me. I tried to breathe, but air wasn't coming out properly. I had never seen him in just a tank before. His body was as exquisite as all of the boys. His biceps were just as defined as Nathan's, but his physique was lean and sleek like Kota's. His fingers moved effortlessly up the shirt until only the top two buttons were left undone. He put a loose strand of hair behind my ear and surveyed his handiwork. "Perfect."

I heard the pounding of several sets of boots on the porch probably kicking off snow to keep it out of the house. I came face to face with seven sets of eyes all curious as to what was I doing in Mr. Blackbourne's shirt.

Snow DayWhere stories live. Discover now