Releasing all the tension

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Unfortunately every beautiful (or smutty) journey must come to an end. This is the last chapter ladies :(

I want to thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting on Snow Day. I am so lucky to have a great group of followers on Wattpad. I appreciate you all and I hope you will continue to read my other works. I don't see any room for a sequel for this fic. It's basically a standalone that popped in my head because I was miserable from the snow one winter and just morphed into a fic I didn't plan on writing at all. Let alone posting!

I wish I had some kind of poetic way of saying y'all are awesome and the fact you like my writing makes me all bubbly and happy, but alas poetry was not my strength in school. So without further ado...


If I had to put on a scale of one to ten how embarrassed I was for all nine of my boys to find me holed up in the attic with my fingers buried inside my folds and my other hand twisting my perky buds I would have to put it at fifteen. Damn Owen and his twisted ways. I slowly pulled them out staring wide eyed not sure how to respond. My vision was still blurry from the intensity of my last orgasm and my legs felt like rubber when I attempted to get to my feet.

"Aggele mou, you never said what happened when we found you," said Silas, approaching me slowly. My mouth was desert dry and slightly agape. He must have decided to abandon his shirt and shorts in favor of boxers. His erection stood straight and angled up to his waist drawing my eyes to every delicious morsel of muscle rippling all across his chest. My attention was diverted upward by the smell of ocean and soft lips on my skin. Silas wrapped his hands around mine and with a small tug I was back on my feet. I tripped over the bean bag fabric and crashed into his chest. He growled perhaps the most carnal, drop-dead sexy sound I heard in my life then tossed me over his shoulder like a rag doll. He managed to crawl out of the narrow space only letting go long enough to safely put my feet on the floor. The others followed suit all murmuring quietly amongst themselves.

Silas lifted me up by my waist so my feet dangled in the air, situated himself on the edge of the bed and placed me lightly in his lap so his erection constantly rubbed against my bare bum.

"Aggele mou, I believe it's our turn to pleasure you."

He certainly could not mean all nine of them. It was impossible wasn't it? I would die from multiple orgasm syndrome if they attempted it. Not a bad way to go though.

"How?" I asked, scanning the room. Oh sweet heavenly hell, how did I not notice they were all shirtless and clad in only boxers with erections threatening to escape their hiding places? I had a buffet of ranging from long and thin to thick and average plus everything in between.

Sean raised an eyebrow then winked, "Leave that to us, Pumpkin." That must have been a pre-arranged signal because all but him and Owen began to ravage my body like starving animals. Silas angled my head to face his then captured my lips with his own. His lips were tender and supple easily sliding across mine. I caught a hint of cypress and spice near my collarbone and whimpered against Silas' lips. I felt coarse stubble on both of my breasts followed by a mixture of tongues and teeth. Long soft locks tickled the insides of both thighs nibbling and biting on the sensitive skin. Where could my hands go? The stimulation I felt was mind-altering to the point I lost my ability to string together coherent thoughts. All I knew was body heat, warm mouths and slippery tongues.

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