Food Fight

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I tugged at his Mr. Blackbourne's shirt as if it was going to magically get longer. Finally I gave up. It's not like they haven't seen everything already.

"Alright. Out with it. I'm desperate to hear the explanation for this," Luke said, dropping into one of the chairs. Thank the heavens for Luke. The tension in the air finally started to break up.

North ran a hand over his face, "Sang baby, where are your clothes?"

Nathan snorted, grabbed what was left of my clothes and went to put them in the laundry. Kota and Silas were trying to hide the gigantic grins from their face. Gabriel grabbed my camisole and dangled it in front of my face.

"This is what you do with all my hard work, Trouble." There was no malice in his words just pure amusement at an extremely awkward situation.

I giggled and pointed at Nathan. He raised an eyebrow and started to dole out the iced frappacinos from the fridge.

"Princess we can wait for you to go put something on," Victor offered, opening my bottle for me.

"I like it." Kota, Silas and Dr. Green replied in unison.

I looked at Mr. Blackbourne. His lips were in their trademark millimeter smile. "You know Owen I see you're quiet in this little debate," Dr. Green teased, tossing him one of the coffees.

"She's wearing his fucking shirt I would I assume not," North grumbled, plopping down next to Luke.

"Well I'm starving. Chocolate chip pancakes, Sang?" Luke asked, avoiding North's chop on the head.

"Sang baby, you really shouldn't eat chocolate for breakfast all the time," North chimed in pulling me into his lap.

Silas grabbed some bacon and eggs from the refrigerator, "If Aggele mou wants it then we make it. You can have a big bowl of strawberries and yogurt to make you feel better."

North yelled what I can imagine were some very unkind words in Greek. It didn't take long for there to be several piping hot plates of pancakes, crispy bacon and fluffy eggs. I cut up some strawberries and made a smilie face on North's.

He tried to be mad, but North was my big strong marshmallow. He gave me a gentle slap on the butt and sat down to eat. I squealed when Kota grabbed me around the waist and hoisted me into his lap. "So what do you want to do today?" He was meticulously cutting up my pancakes into even sections then pouring a little syrup on top of each.

"You don't have to go anywhere today?" I inquired. It wasn't usual that at least a few of them weren't sent off for Academy business. Kota patted my chin so I would open my mouth. The pancake was warm and chocolately. I had boys that could cook. It would take the wolverine to make me leave them.

"Well, Miss Sorenson with the snow it would be counterproductive to try and do anything today. Driving conditions are unsafe and the diner is closed to keep people off the roads so I believe we're all yours." If Kota wasn't putting more pancake in my mouth my jaw would have hit the table.

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