Chapter 1: Bloom in Blues

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Yukio woke up yawning while wearing his Blue-Eyes themed pajamas and walked downstairs, greeting his mother, Midori and sat on the chair.

Yukio: Good morning, Mom.

Midori speaks as she placed a plate of toast and egg in front of her son.

Midori: Good morning, Yukio. Saki said that she will be coming home tonight.

Yukio: I see.

Yukio drank a cup of hot choco milk after eating his toast.

Yukio: I'll go change into my uniform.

Midori nods as she smiled.

Midori: Have a great day.

Yukio smiled back as he walked again into his room to change into his uniform along with his blue hoodie.

Yukio looked at the mirror with a smile before picking up his deck on his desk, where his bag and D-Pad are before picking them up as well to put inside his bag.

Yukio walked down and waved his mother goodbye as he ran off to school, where he saw Shark and speaks to him.

Yukio: Hey, Shark. You feel like in a bad mood today? Did something happen?

Shark: Oh, it's you. I thought you were that bothersome girl that was following me...

Suddenly, a girl's voice speaks causing Shark to sigh as he turn to face a girl who shares the same hair color and bangs as him.

???: Who do you think you are calling "bothersome"..

Yukio was also surprised as he looked back and forth between Shark and the girl, who noticed his confused face and talked to him with a smile.

Rio: Hello there. My name is Rio Kastle and Reginald here is my meanie of a twin brother. Nice to meet you officially!

Yukio: Officially??

Rio nods with a smile.

Rio: We talked a lot when you came to visit me at the hospital, remember?

Yukio silently nods as he remembered back in the World Carnival where he heard Shark talking to a hospitalized Rio, who quickly became friends with him after the two of them talked to each other for the first time.

Shark: I guess there's no need for introductions..

Rio glared at Shark before talking to Yukio.

Rio: Oh shut it, Reginald. What was your name again?

Yukio smiled as he offered a handshake to Rio.

Yukio: "Yukio Aozaki", nice to meet you.

Rio does the same with a smile before the bell rings.

Rio: We're off to class, then. See ya at lunch, Yukio!

Yukio awkwardly waved back as Rio left with Shark following behind her while waving at him. Yukio looked around, seeing the envious glares of the boys except for Yuma.

(Timeskip brought to you by Yukio noticing Shun stalking Yuto and

At the rooftop, Yukio ate lunch with Yuma, Bronk and Tori until Rio joined in.

Rio: Hey, you four. Mind if i join in??

Yuma: Sure, uh...??

Yukio: Sure you can, Rio. Just pick a seat.

Rio points the space on Yukio's left then sat there with a smile on her face.

Yuma: So, Yukio. How did you and Shark's sister met??

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