Chapter 1

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when i woke up
the sun fell to the ground and rolled away
flowers beheaded themselves
all that's left alive here is me
and i barely feel like living 𑁋 Rupi Kaur, the sun and her flowers.

Aurora Nott<3

Aurora bit her lip anxiously. "Theo, are you sure?" she asked, looking up at her brother.
He rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand, tugging her towards the train, "Rora, it'll be fine. I promise." Saying that didn't make her any less nervous. They walked through the busy hall, bumping into people saying hi to their friends. After a bit of walking and lots of apologizing from Aurora, not her brother, they reached a large compartment where she was once again dragged inside.

"Hey," Theo smiled at the 6 that sat in the cart. A few muttered hi back but she knew their attention was on her. What are they saying about you Aurora? Nothing, not everyone thinks bad things. They probably see how pathetic you are, Holding your brother's hand and gripping tightly on a stupid pink skirt. Go away!

"Everyone, this is my sister, Aurora. Rora, everyone." He gestured around the box and took a seat next to a boy with dark black hair. He had a strange look on his face, his cold brown eyes focused solely on her. She took a seat next to a brunette, he smiled at the girl.

"I'm Lorenzo Berkshire." Lorenzo. Aurora studied him. She was good at studying people. The boys' smile seemed to have good intentions and he didn't look very scary. Not like the 3 boys across from her. She nodded and stared at her legs, covered by white tights.

A girl with dark raven hair was the second to speak to her.
"So where've you been for the past 6 years?" Aurora glanced towards her and grabbed her arm, pinching at the skin. Her mouth opened but no words fell out. She hates talking about my past.

"Away." Her brother answered quickly, trying to shoo off the question.
"Ok but where?" She dug deeper. Her eyes felt sharp and filled with disgust.
"Pansy, it doesn't matter." The raven head scoffed,
"Sorry, but I find it a little strange that you all of a sudden have a sister you haven't mentioned once." Aurora should've been hurt, knowing her brother hadn't mentioned her. But she wasn't, she was used to her name not coming up

"Listen it doesn't matter Parkinson, just move on, God." he snapped and glared at her. She huffed but proposed another question.
"Fine, what house will you be in then? I'd think Hufflepuff, you're stupid enough to fit right in." What was her problem with Aurora? A blond girl sitting in front of Pansy gasped and slapped her arm. 

"Pansy! First off Hufflepuffs are not stupid, I find them quite enjoyable secondly she's a Slytherin, I can tell our kind" she smiled at the girl, reassuring her she'll fit in with them. Lorenzo tapped her knee while she sat crisscrossed.

"So, you excited, love?" Love? No one had called her that since him.
"I suppose," She muttered. That's a huge lie as much as she hated it there at least she knew people and wasn't surrounded by a bunch of magical freaks. Then she remembered, she went out and got a wand, an owl and books. Aurora was a magical freak. 
The rest of the ride was filled with small chatter, all avoiding her. Three boys still hadn't spoken, two stared at her continuously, the third was leaning on Lorenzo and seemed to be asleep.

Theo stood with the others as the train came to a stop. She reached into her pockets making sure everything was in them. Pencil, Rose quartz, Amethyst... shoot her amethyst. 
"Oi, Aurora, you coming?" Theo called out. Aurora shook her head and waved him off then began searching for the rock. She had assumed everyone else on the train had left but she was mistaken from what I heard next.

A loud crash came from behind her. Unsure of what to expect, she poked her head out of the compartment. No one. The girl turned to continue looking but when you have her amount of curiosity you can't help but look. Slowly she opened the door to the next train. The blond in front of Lorenzo stood, covering something up.

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