Chapter 3

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From great sorrow comes art,
And it is hard to find art with a pulse.
But this poem thrums with life,
And as it breathes, so does my shattered beating heart.- Brianna Reed, Call me when you get this.
(My copy of the book arrived recently! it was signed and I started crying. 100/10 recomend<3)

Day 1, Potions class. September 1st, 1996

Draco looked at the clock. "Fuck," he muttered turning back to Aurora. "Hey, Aurora," She looked up from the potions book. "I need to go for a little, I'll be back. Just continue what you were doing k?" He waited for the question of where he would be going, coming up with an excuse but she never asked. Instead, she nodded silently and looked back at the book. Draco took a deep breath and left, not telling Slughorn.

Aurora concentrated on her potion, mixing random things together. If she didn't pass she'd be put with her brother. Why did Draco have to leave? He was supposed to be helping her. She glanced at Enzo and Blaise. Blaise looked to be rambling or telling some dramatic story while Enzo did all the work, smiling along with his boyfriend.

"Aurora," Mattheo snuck up behind her. He boxed her in, her back against his front. "Where'd Draco go?" He asked. She shrugged, it wasn't her business. Her body was tense. Why was he always so close to her? Mattheo knew exactly where he was because Mattheo had been the one to tell him to leave. "How about this," he proposed. "You continue to brew and I'll tell you whether you're doing it right or not." Aurora could practically feel his smirk. She nodded unsure of what else she could do and started following the instructions.

Add 6 snake fangs to the mortar.
Crush into a fine powder using the pestle.
Add 4 measures of the crushed fangs to your cauldron.
Heat the mixture to 250 for 10 seconds.

Mattheo hadn't said anything yet so Aurora could only assume she was doing it right. The next step was to wave your wand. Aurora paused. She hadn't even touched her wand since she had gotten it. Slowly she reached into her pocket pulling out the dark brown twig. She held it over the pot, unsure if she was actually supposed to wave it. Mattheo laughed,

"You really don't know magic huh? Surprised the old man even let you in." He took her wrist and moved her hand back and forth gently. "When you need your wand for a potion, repeat this movent okay?" He whispered in her ear. She tensed again and nodded. Now they waited. He pulled a stool behind her, taking a seat. Aurora stood over the pot and observed it as it turned a deep red. She watched and watch as it turned a green shade, that was her sign for the next steps.

Add 4 horned slugs to your cauldron.
She looked around the room. Where were slugs? Draco only had gotten the ingredients for part 1. Mattheo tapped her shoulder and handed her 4 horned slugs. She added them to the cauldron slowly and as she put in the last one Mattheo lent over her shoulder

"Good girl." Aurora tensed for what felt like the hundredth time that day. A strange feeling formed in her stomach, she was frozen. "Continue Aurora." Mattheo urged. He smirked to himself, happy with how he made the girl feel.

Take the cauldron off the fire before adding the next ingredient.
Add 2 porcupine quills to your cauldron.
Stir 5 times, clockwise.
Wave your wand to complete the potion.
After 10 minutes the potion had returned to its original red colour. She turned around to Mattheo, finding him still rather close. She searched his dark eyes for a sign of approval but she found them rather closed off. He nodded with a smirk and gave a small point to something in front of her. The brunette turned and saw Slughorn in front. He looked at the potion and smiled,

"My! Ms. Nott this is excellent. Was Mr. Mafloy here to help at all?" She didn't want to snitch on Draco, the girls she used to know would always call her bad words after she did. She didn't even think she was snitching, the stuff that they were doing, someone had to know. But she also didn't want to lie to a teacher. Lying to adults is worse than snitching on kids. Adults hurt you. She shook her head looking at the pot. Slughorn sighed,

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