Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

You'll make it.
You're failing.
Try again.
Do better.
Stop it, that hurts.
Pain is the only way to get better.
I wasn't done yet.
Why aren't you better?
Please let me continue.
Do it. Stop here.
Why did we end it only because of the fear?

A conversation between my heart and my head.


Aurora was right, the class was horrible. the greasy-haired man, Professor Snape, voice dragged on for what felt like hours. Autos tried to take notes and listen but nothing made sense. Nothing!

As soon as he had dismissed them, Aurora packed up her back and bolted. She didn't want to be there any longer than needed.

Potions class was a lot like yesterday with the exception of both Mattheo and Draco helping her. They bickered, A lot.

After that, she had divinations Which was surprisingly simple. All she had to do was Cartomancy. Or in Aurora's words, Tarot reading. Aurora had given Mattheo a reading. The cards and spirits were telling him to let his guard down and accept the love being presented to him. He scoffed and said it was rubbish. Then he had attempted to give Aurora a reading. Surprisingly enough he had pulled a few of the same cards for her.

"What does that mean?" he asked. The girl shrugged. "It could be that our paths cross and we'll find ourselves relying on each other." After hearing that he aggressively tossed the cards onto the table.

Now finally, she had a break. Blaise met her outside the divination classroom.

"How'd it go?" he asked. Aurora shrugged but a small smile was enough to indicate she had enjoyed it.

"Rubbish. It's all complete rubbish." Mattheo stopped angrily. Blaise laughed.

"Let me guess you gave him a reading he didn't like?" Aurora nodded and giggled quietly.

"Fuck the cards. They can't predict my fucking future. "Let your guard down accept the love around you" Bullshit. Bloody Fucking bullshit." He walked down the stairs and left. Aurora suddenly felt bad. Was he mad at her?

"Who pissed in his drink?" Blaise laughed again. He must have seen the worriedness on Aurora's pretty face for he started comforting her. "Hey Rory, don't worry K? He's just a dramatic baby you didn't do anything wrong yea?" His hand rubbed her back. She sniffled and nodded.

"Good. Now c'mon quidditch tryouts are at lunch which means we need to warm up now." He grabbed Aurora's hand and led her down the stairs. "You know what quidditch is, right?" Aurora shook her head. "Jesus merlin fucks. I'll show ya. You'll love it."

On a large green pitch were students Flying. FLYING ON FLIPPING BROOMS. BROOMS! Aurora's mouth hung open. THEY WERE FLYING ON BROOMS.

"Go sit over there, I would try to explain but well yeah..." Blaise pushed her back lightly, directing her to a bench. Many people were flying through the sky though a few were still on the ground. Blaise was talking with Enzo and Pansy when Draco and Mattheo came out of a small shed. They yelled something at the three and walked towards another black-haired boy. Soon after watching the Slytherins talk, Aurora got bored and pulled out her sketchbook, she never got time to finish drawing Luna.

"You should add her glasses on top of her head." A female voice popped out. Aurora jumped in her seat and turned to her left. A redhead girl smiled and sat next to her.

"Hey, I'm Ginny." She stuck out her hand. Aurora shook it with a confused look on her face.

"Aurora.." It came out quieter than she had wished. She studied the girl. Loud. But in the good way.

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