Chapter 2

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are you okay
they ask

i respond as quickly as i can
so they will not
notice the earthquakes
in my voice
or the tsunamis
in my eyes
or the drought in my heart- Ellen Everett

TW: small talk abt SH scars, if you are ever dealing with something come talk to me. I would love to listen and hopefully help<3

Day 1

Aurora covered her ears. There was a loud pounding coming from her door. She hated loud noises.

"Nott I swear to merlin if you don't open this door in the next minute I'll break it." Someone shouted. She hated shouting. Aurora felt stuck. Like a part of her mind was stuck in another place, and not a good one. She dug her nails into her palms and prayed the noise would stop. Her breath was unsteady. Please go away. Please go away. 

"Nott?" The voice was coming beside her bed. She was in for it now. It's never good when they sound calm. "They fuck you doing? Breakfast started 10 minutes ago, get up." Breakfast? No no that wasn't right. Aurora was supposed to have a session then breakfast. Session, Breakfast. That's how it went.

She opened one eye and turned her head slightly. A black robe, green, not scrubs. She shot up from the bed and sighed. Hogwarts.

"Hufflepuff? You coming?" Draco asked her again. She took a small glance at him then focused her gaze on the bookshelf, and shook her head. "I- ok then classes are at 9. Don't recommend being late." He walked out of her room, stopping at the door and observing it, then turned to the corner and left. Aurora turned onto her back and stared at the ceiling.

"Hogwarts. Hufflepuff. Common room. Hogwarts. Hufflepuff. Common room..." she breathed. Her eyes closed and she took a grounding breath then moved to her closet. Inside was her uniform. A white button-up, a yellow and black pleated skirt, and a robe. The uniform was boring so she added high knee socks and low platform doc martens. She headed over to the bathroom.

It, like her room, was small and old looking, there was a bath and shower, a sink and a small place to hang her toiletries.
She dropped her clothes on the counter and grabbed a towel, a yellow one, from under the sink. The steam filled the room as Aurora stepped into the shower. The hot water stung against her wrecked skin. She washed her hair and body then hesitantly reached for the razor. Her hand hovered over it before pulling back. Maybe it'd be best if she waited just a little longer. 

The brunette stepped out of the shower and got dressed. She faced herself in the mirror reflection, her brown eyes glancing over her body. It wasn't enough, still, she didn't see herself. Instead, she felt trapped in a body, not her own. This one was pretty but marked. As much as she loved the shape, she hated the skin. 

Screw you Aurora for making us look like this. No one would look at you and say how lovely you are, no they would be questioning the revolting marks. 

The angrier she got at herself, the more of an urge she had to go back to old habits. But that wouldn't change the past, nothing would. The only thing it would do is get her fucked up and put right back where she started. Her eyes lingered a little longer before pulling on all her clothes. She grabbed her pills out of a bag and took them with a glass of water then brushed her teeth and hair.

Aurora grabbed her bag from her desk and threw some things in, her glasses, 2 books (One romance, one fantasy) a few pencils, her sketchbook and class supplies. She took out her schedule. 'Herbology- greenhouse.' Great. maybe she'd learn how to take care of all these plants. She walked out the door but not before looking at her drawing. How to add the red queen? It stumped Aurora, and she was never stumped. 

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