Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I don't like depending on people because people leave all the time

Because at the end of the day all you have is yourself and that has to be enough- A.M


Aurora shivered as she walked back to the castle. Mattheo had reluctantly- after being drowned by Blaise, lent Aurora his hoodie. It smelt like him, smoke, old pages and something sweet. Her hair was drenched and a little messy even after trying to comb it out with her fingers. Blaise splashed her multiple times, Pansy too. Pansy wasn't that mean Aurora had learnt. Her laugh was pretty.

When they arrived at the castle they were greeted by an unfamiliar face.

"Daphne," A rather tall boy spoke. His dark black hair dangled in front of his face. Sort of like Mattheos'. Mattheos' looked better. Daphne turned away from her conversation with Theo. She blinked furiously and smiled.

"H-hi Adrian." The boy pushed himself off the wall and looked her up and down. He lent down to her ear, giving her a sinful smirk.

"My room in 10," He whispered, though everyone still heard it. Daphne turned around to the group once he was out of sight. Her face lit up a bright red as she grinned

"Oh my god, oh my god!" She squealed. Playfully she hit Draco's arm. "I told you!" He shrugged away from her touch, giving a disgusted look.

"Told me what?"

"You know, Me, Pucey," She huffed, rolling her eyes when Draco showed no care. "Forget it. I have to go get ready." She smirked at Pansy and ran off. Aurora's brother scoffed from beside.

"Pucey seriously?" He growled. Pansy gave him a concerned look before widening her eyes.

"Daphne!" She screamed. Her hand slapped over her mouth containing her laughter. "I I-m sorry," She laughed. "I-m I'm gonna excuse myself." Aurora was lacking any knowledge of what was going on around her. She looked between all the Slyhterins, each in their own minds. Her brother stomped away leaving the five of them.

"Anyhow," Blaise said. "Rory, how 'bout you go freshen up, then meet us back down in the common room? Just knock one of us will answer." Aurora nodded, wanting to get dried off. She hurried down the stairs and through the hall, opening the common room door.

Sadie stood at the top of the stairs, helping a younger student with a craft. She smiled at Aurora.

"Good afternoon Aurora. How are you?" She asked. Aurora shuffled her feet.

"Ok. I'm going to go rinse." She explained. Aurora often explained unnecessary things. She felt as though if she didn't, she'd get in trouble for her actions.

"Oh well I'm sorry to say but the showers are down. You'll have to use the girls' laboratory." Aurora stood stunned. Why did she always have the worst of luck?

"Oh um, alright." She muttered, turning away to the door.

When she knocked on the large door of the Slytherin common room Mattheo answered. He looked down at her, studying his own sweater.

"Do you not know any drying spells?" He asked. She self-consciously touched her wet hair. Biting her bottom lip she looked up at him.

"Um, the Huffle-Hufflepuff showers are um broken." Her gaze faltered from his. Why did she always have to stutter and stumble on words? Mattheo watched her for a brief moment before answering.

"Oh." He said shortly. He turned to nobody in the common room and shrugged. "I suppose you could use ours." Or she could run back to her room and hide under the sheets.

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