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Hey guys!! This was requested by one of my followers, so I hope you enjoy it as much as they hopefully did!!!


Ship: VanossGaming x H2O Delirious

Top: Evan

Bottom: Jonathan

AU: /

Setting: Canada

Type: Fluff

Warning ⚠️: Mild swearing

Third pov-

Jon shivered at the harsh wind. His teeth chattered and his hands felt numb. Canada. A nice and cold place people go when they want a little bit of that snowy weather. Yeah, it sounded fun, but Jon was experiencing the worst of it. Too cold. Too snowy. Too windy.

You may be wondering, why Canada out of all places to spend his well needed break. Well you see, Jon has had a very bad month. If we had to narrow it down a bit, he had a shitty week.

It started on Sunday, when he had the worst hangover ever. His coworkers had convinced him to stay a bit for a small party, and they promised that they would keep all alcohol away from him. Since, he had an early shift in the morning. Turns out, all the drinks were spiked. So on Sunday morning, he came into work with a pounding headache, and a massive pile of paper work.

On Monday, he had his paperwork all done and nice, and he set it on his boss' desk in relief. However, it turns out that his boss wasn't at work that day, because he had a cold. So being the responsible person he is, Jon called up his boss and told him that he would be dropping it off at his house. He was given a certain time, and was to bring lunch for his boss as well. He hadn't denied it, since he was his boss' assistant. The only problem, was the long drive through line, and the amount of traffic. He ended up getting to his boss' house late, and with cold food.

On Tuesday, Jon was having a much better day you could say. His boss was less cranky, his coworkers were showing him sympathy, even his judgmental neighbors hadn't said anything. However, it was one thing that pissed him off that day. It was when he decided to wear a skirt. He felt more confident, so why not? He had wanted to take a walk, have some alone time for once. However, he forgot about the amount of major pervs in his neighborhood. He got, from cat calls to full on ass grabs. That alone, ruined his day.

Wednesday. The only day he had off in the entire week. He decided that he just wanted to stay in that day. Take a nap, eat some food and then watch TV. That...didn't happen at all. He had gotten a call from the electrician, saying he hadn't paid his bills yet, so that they needed to shut off all power if he didn't get the money by the end of the night. Jon had called up his boss in a hurry, and had begged him for what felt like two hours, to give him his paycheck early. His boss gave it to him, but in return, Jon had to watch his dogs for the rest of the week.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday were all the same. He'd go to work, be late by thirty minutes because of traffic, get massive piles of paperwork to file, get yelled at by his boss for his scratchy handwriting, which wasn't his fault because he's been writing for five hours a day. Then he would go home and have to clean up the big mess his boss' five pugs would make. Finally, he would make diner, ending up giving half of it to the dogs because of their pleading puppy dog eyes.

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