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Ship: Nogla harem -you know the drill-

Top(s): Evan, Brian, Tyler, Marcel & Jon

Bottom: Nogla

AU: Highschool

Setting: /

Type: Fluff

Warning ⚠️: The chapter that you're about to read contains swearing, flirting, implications of underage drinking, mention of drinking and driving, mention of drugs and other mentions or situations that may disturb, trigger or offend the viewer. Reader's discretion is advised.


Nogla's pov -

8:45. Just in time.

I glanced away from my phone, looking over to my table.

I had my warm cup of milk-tea, my study books all stacked neatly, my papers filed and ready to be filled out, and my pencils all sharpened perfectly.

I reached for my mug and took a long sip, before setting it back down and letting out a sigh of content.

Study week was nearly over, and there was a big test tomorrow. It took up most of our grades, and many people had been all over the place about it.

Once the test was done with, we'd all have no homework for a month, so lots of people were stoked about it.

There was the people that went out and partied tonight, and there was the people like me, who studied tonight.

The school year was halfway done, so the test was a reflection on what we've learned so far. The teachers all made a big deal about it, though many kids didn't really care.

But I did. I wanted to do the best I could.

It was a miracle how my parents even managed to move us all over to America just a year ago. I will say that this place was nice, but sometimes the quietness of Ireland was missed.

People didn't treat us like freaks, thankfully. Supposedly Americans got foreigners all the time. Me and my siblings did happen to get a few rude remarks, but the teasing didn't last for long

To be honest, I don't think anyone really cared.

But despite us already being in America, I wanted to be productive. With studies, school work, and even volunteering at some shelters, I wanted to do it all.

I know my parents didn't want me to spend my whole teenage years in my room studying or spend my whole days helping walk dogs from the pound. But it just felt like the right thing to do.

Hopefully, I could get a good scholarship and score a great career. To pay back my parents for dealing with all of us, that is.

Being in America was a big deal, and I didn't want to waste my time here. I wanted to do something useful.

I flinched, feeling the vibration from my phone shake the whole desk.

I grabbed it, quickly checking the caller ID.

Andrew. Figures.

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