What do you see?

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What do you see when you gaze upon a field of grass and flowers. Do you see beauty of life and existence? Or do you see colours that are vibrant and will enlighten a nation? Or do you see a place to run and kick a ball? Or do you just see a field of grass and flowers?

This defines categories of people. You see life and existence and you think of yourself as youth. You see vibrant colours, you love artistic and creative things. You see a place to run and kick a ball, you are an active person. But if all you see is a field of grass and flowers, well in that case open up your mind into a range of things. You are quite simply boring. And that is all that there is to it.

In Sandy's case she sees a home, she sees life she sees that the beauty that lies there in this world. The people around her just see a field of grass and flowers. Sandy has always been confused by this, but the quite inexplicable thing about this is over 60% of the world see it as that. A field of grass and flowers. Sandy is about to learn that the hard way.

"One, two, three" Sandy whispered to herself. Three little baby blackbirds finding there home in a sky of blue foggy mist. She sat and stared out of the window surrounded by silk and lacy curtains of beautiful designs. She looked out upon the same scene she looked at every morning, but her imagination took over and showed her trees that birds called home and flowers that are a living growing thing. She wondered to herself why these things were over missed.

She walked out of the crumbling red door and went down stairs. Called goodbye and plodded her way outside. She looked along the pavement with the cracks and crazy creeks that were homes to little tiny bugs. Her mind wondered and pondered over how the lake always looked a different colour.

She approached her destination. A place where beauty lacked. A stain metal building... School.

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